Hooks implemented - fredericrous/git-templates GitHub Wiki


Lint commit message to conform to git recommentation and mostly to conventional commits specificationPrefix with an emoji conform to gitmoji specificationApply formating to the commit: break the body to 72 char per line. It groups footers. It insures the body is separated by a blank line after the summary and before the footers


Extract Jira or Kanbanize id from branch name if there is, and append it to the footer of the commit msg


Call in parallel the following scripts:

hook description
pre-commit-ban-terms prevent the commit of certain tokens
pre-commit-lint-js eslint js files in staging
pre-commit-lint-json-yaml lint json and yaml with yq
pre-commit-merge-conflict detect for staged files in a merge states
pre-commit-package-lock when a package.json is changed, check package-lock.json is versioned as well
pre-commit-usual-name Issue a warning when you use a commit user for the first time


Call sequentially the following scripts:

hook description
pre-push-branch-pattern insure a branch follows pattern prefix/digit-branch-name. ie feat/3002-image-crop
pre-push-run-tests-js run npm test and npm audit before push occurs (uses fd)
pre-push-pull-rebase pull the origin remote branch with the same name before push. Fetch default branch and warn if it's ahead