Functional Requirements Document - frankmontoyanm/Grocery GitHub Wiki

Functional Requirements

ID Requirement Priority Comment
1 A user should be able to register for an account High None
2 A user should be able to login to their account High None
3 A user should be able to search the app for products they need High None
4 A user should be able to add product and quantity to their cart on the app High None
5 A user should be able to view product information in the app High None
6 A user should be able to view all the items in their cart High None
7 A user should be able to pay for the items in the cart with cashier High None
8 A user should be able to have the groceries delivered to them from grocery store by store clerk High None
9 A user should be able to delete items from their cart High None
10 A user should be make a complaint to the manager Low None
11 A user should be able to redeem coupons with cashier Low None
12 A user should be able to request help from a store clerk Low None
13 A user should be able to pay for items with cash Low None
14 A user should be able to pay for items with credit Low None
15 A user should be able to pay for items with debit Low None
16 A user should be able to input information to register for an account Low None
17 A user should be able to verify information used to register for account Low None
18 A user should be able to create an account Low None
19 A user should be able to specify who can help you Low None
20 A user should be able to specify their needs with what they need help with Low None
21 A user should be able to submit request for help Low None
22 A user should be able to Low None
23 A user should be able to have their age verified Low None
24 A user should be able to write a complaint Low None
25 A user should be able to submit complaint Low None
26 A user should be able to type out review Low None
27 A user should be able to submit review Low None
28 A user should be able to have their groceries bagged Low None
29 A user should be able to have their groceries karted Low None
30 A user should be able to have their groceries packed for delivery Low None
31 A user should be able to Logout High None