Running Fixinator on TeamCity - foundeo/fixinator GitHub Wiki

Fixinator can be integrated into JetBrain's TeamCity CI/CD platform to scan your ColdFusion / CFML source code for security issues.

Add a Fixinator Build Step

In your TeamCity build setting for your project click on the Add Build Step button. Use the following configuration:

Runner Type: Command Line

Step Name: Fixinator Security Scan

Run: Custom Script

Custom Script:

echo "Running Fixinator!!!"
test -e ~/box || curl --location -o ~/
test -e ~/box || apt-get install -y unzip
test -e ~/box || unzip ~/ -d ~/
chmod a+x ~/box
~/box install fixinator
~/box fixinator path=. resultFile=./fixinator-results.xml resultFormat=junit failOnIssues=false
echo "##teamcity[importData type='junit' path='fixinator-results.xml']"

The above script was tested and verified to work on the TeamCity jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent:linux agent. If you are running a Windows based agent slight modifications may need to be made.

Add Fixinator Environment Variables

Go to the Parameters section of the Build Settings, click on the Add new parameter button.

Name: CI

Kind: Environment Variable

Value: true

Click Save and then Add new parameter again.


Kind: Environment Variable


Spec: Click Edit and Specify Type: Password

Click Save

If you are running the Fixinator Enterprise Edition with your own scanning server, then you can specify an additional environment variable FIXINATOR_API_URL pointing to your fixinator enterprise server URL. If you do not specify the FIXINATOR_API_URL the code will be scanned using the Fixinator Cloud Scanning Service API.

Scan CFML Code for Security Issues with TeamCity