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1. 19/01/2020 (6:00PM-6:30PM):

Objective: Update the tasks for Sprint 1 (description, objective, members' names and Github usernames, Wiki Page).
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Cosmin, Razvan, Manraj
Content: We updated the readme.md by adding the description and the objectives of our project. We also added the team members' names and Github usernames. We created the Wiki Page with Microsoft Sharepoint to document our meetings. We decided to create an Android mobile application for this project.
What to do for next meeting: Decide on the core features as well as the programming languages and techniques that will be used in our project.

2. 22/01/2020 (12:00PM-1:00PM):

Objective: Decide on the core features as well as the programming languages and techniques that will be used in our project. Create high-level user stories for the three core features.
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Cosmin, Razvan, Manraj
Content: ​The three core features will allow the user to post pictures, follow other users, get notifications for their posts, and leave a comment on posted pictures. The two additional features will allow the user to send private messages to other users and to like other users' posts. We decided to use the React Native framework to develop our mobile application as well as JavaScript. We are still undecided on whether or not we will use Adobe Photoshop for the visual components of our mobile application. We are also unsure about which database management system we will use, but we are considering MySQL.
What to do for next meeting: Break down the user stories (into different issues/tasks): create a React Native component for posting, create a login page, create a registration/login service, create CI/CD pipeline, make a pull request/review a pull request.

3. 29/01/2020 (6:00PM-7:00PM):

Objective: Create the following issues/tasks: a button for post and follow, comment box, a login page, a registration/login service, CI/CD pipeline. Make a pull request/review a pull request. Migrate the Wiki Page from Microsoft Sharepoint to Github.
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Cosmin, Razvan, Manraj
Content: ​We created the tasks and assigned the people who will work on them. We migrated the Wiki Page on Github. Every member made a pull request, and reviewed the pull request of another person.
What to do for next meeting: Break down the user stories (into different issues/tasks), create a React Native component for posting pictures, create a login page, create a registration/login service, create a database, create CLI, make a pull request/review a pull request.

4. 7/02/2020 (11:00AM-12:00PM):

Objective: Decide which core feature to focus on, create issues for that core feature.
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Cosmin, Razvan, Manraj
Content: ​This meeting was not planned beforehand. We decided, for the second sprint, to work and finish the feature that allows users to follow other users. We decided that the first steps to take is to create the database and tables, as well as setting up the environment to run the React Native application.
What to do for next meeting: Break down the user stories (into different issues/tasks), create a database, create CI.

5. 08/02/2020 (7:00PM-11:00PM):

Objective: Set up the environment to run the React Native Application and test it on an Android device/emulator, create a MySQL database and create a table to input users' info.
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Cosmin, Razvan, Manraj
Content: ​We successfully set up the environment for the application. We created the database and created a table for the users. We added more tasks for the "follow user" user story. We also started creating the CI, but it is not completed yet.
What to do for next meeting: Create a table for posts, create a React Native component for following a user, finish CI.

6. 12/02/2020 (6:00PM-11:00PM):

Objective: Create a database with tables, create a React Native component for posting a picture, finish CI pipeline.
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Cosmin, Razvan, Manraj
Content: ​We successfully set up the database on Cosmin's computer, but it did not work when he tried on another computer. We created React Native components for the follow button, the post button, and for the profile page (number of followers, number of following, number of posts). We also implemented a function that will allow the user to take a picture and post it on his profile page.
What to do for next meeting: Implement the database with our profile page (finishing the tables for users and posts), create a comment box for users to comment on posts.

7. 24/02/2020 (6:00PM-7:00PM):

Objective: Create a navigation bar, with a home screen, profile screen. Create a sign up page and login page.
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Manraj
Content: ​We created a login page and sign up page. Navigation bar is still in progress. We are using React Navigation v5 and it is still very recent. The syntax is different for some components, so it is slowing down the learning process.
What to do for next meeting: Finish authentication system and navigation bar.

8. 29/02/2020 (7:00PM-9:00PM):

Objective: Finish navigation bar, work on block diagram and unit testing.
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Manraj
Content: ​We created unit tests for the authentication system, but it has errors. We started working on the block diagram. We started writing acceptance tests.
What to do for next meeting: Finish acceptance tests for authentication system, finish navigation bar.

9. 03/03/2020 (9:00PM-11:00PM):

Objective: Store posted picture into the database. Work on navigation bar.
Members present: Samuel, Manraj
Content: Successfully managed to store the posted picture in the database. Home feed is also completed, however we cannot manage to fetch the information from the database. The front-end works, but backend needs to be worked on.
What to do for next meeting: Fetch information from the database to post on the home feed the correct information.

10. 05/03/2020 (2:00PM-4:00PM):

Objective: Work on the other core features. Fix CI.
Members present: Samuel, Manraj, Lauren, Razvan, Cosmin
Content: We managed to create successful builds with Travis CI when pushing the code or creating a pull request. The comment section is starting to look more and more to what we were expecting we still switched to firestore instead of the firebase real time database to be able to store pictures. We also worked on the follow feature, but it's still a WIP. The block diagram has also been completed.
What to do for next meeting: Continue working more on the follow feature, finish implementing the comment section.

11. 10/03/2020 (7:00PM-9:00PM):

Objective: Work on the feed screen.
Members present: Samuel, Manraj, Lauren.
Content: We managed to create a feed screen where the users' posts will appear. We realized that the post feature is the most important feature as the follow, the like feature and the comment all depend on it.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the feed screen, fix the bug where the image would not appear.

13. 13/03/2020 (5:00PM-7:00PM):

Objective: Work on the feed screen.
Members present: Samuel, Manraj.
Content: We managed to fix the bug where the post's image was not appearing in the home screen.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the feed screen, work on user profile screen.

14. 15/03/2020 (7:00PM-8:00PM):

Objective: Work on the profile page screen.
Members present: Samuel, Manraj, Lauren.
Content: We created a profile page screen, with a profile picture that will also be displayed in the users' posts.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the feed screen, work on profile screen.

15. 18/03/2020 (9:00PM-11:00PM):

Objective: Work on the profile page screen.
Members present: Manraj, Lauren.
Content: We created a component that updates the number of posts in the database and in the user profile screen. We have an issue where the posts will not appear until we rebuild the app.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the feed screen and make it so that there is a way to "refresh" the screen.

16. 19/03/2020 (6:00PM-8:00PM):

Objective: Work on the feed screen.
Members present: Samuel, Manraj, Lauren.
Content: We created a refresh method that allows the user to refresh the page, hence removing the need to rebuild the app to see the posts from the users.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the profile page screen that can be accessed by pressing on the names of the posts.

17. 19/03/2020 (2:00PM-4:00PM):

Objective: Work on the profile page screen to be accessed on the home screen.
Members present: Manraj, Lauren.
Content: The user can now press on the names of the posts in the home screen and will access the target user's profile screen.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the comment feature.

18. 20/03/2020 (6:00PM-8:00PM):

Objective: Work on the comment feature
Members present: Samuel, Manraj, Razvan.
Content: The user can now comment on posts in the home screen. We decided to split the home screen into two screens: the discovery screen, where user will see ALL posts, and the home screen, where the user will see posts only from the "following" users.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the feed screen.

19. 21/03/2020 (5:00PM-7:00PM):

Objective: Work on the profile screen
Members present: Manraj, Lauren.
Content: Each user's profile screen will now display the user's posts. All posts in the home screen and the profile screen are sorted in order of the time posted.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the feed screen.

23. 23/03/2020 (6:00PM-9:00PM):

Objective: Work on the like feature and the following feature.
Members present: Samuel, Manraj, Lauren.
Content: Users can now like posts in the home screen. It will update the database, where it will keep track of which users liked which posts. Users can also follow other users now, and it will update the database, keeping track of which users are being followed and are following which users.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the discovery and home screen.

24. 30/03/2020 (3:00PM-6:00PM):

Objective: Work on the home and discovery screens. Work on comment feature. Refactor code.
Members present: Samuel, Lauren, Razvan, Manraj.
Content: Users now have two screens, where the Discovery screen shows ALL posts from all users, and the Home screen shows posts from "following" users only. Users can also edit and delete their comments from posts. Code was also refactored and formatted. Created extra files for the styling. What to do for next meeting: Work on the notification feature and unit tests.

25. 31/03/2020 (3:00PM-6:00PM):

Objective: Work on the powerpoint for the presentation.
Members present: Samuel, Manraj, Lauren, Razvan, Cosmin.
Content: Finished the powerpoint for the presentation.
What to do for next meeting: Work on the video, the notification feature and unit tests.