Project information - flutter-tizen/flutter-tizen GitHub Wiki


The flutter-tizen project aims to offer productive tooling and extensive support for running cross-platform Flutter applications on Tizen devices.

The project source code is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license and is publicly available at

The project is an official product by Samsung and maintained by engineers at Samsung Research (HQ, SRC-N, SRPOL). We also welcome support and contributions from the open source community.

The project's major components include:

Release plans

This project doesn't have its own release schedule. The project's target framework version is synched up with the latest stable release of the Flutter framework. All other updates are offered on a best-efforts basis. Not all functions are fully tested, and there could be bugs or missing features although we try to minimize them.

You can update your local flutter-tizen installation by pulling (git pull) its latest commit.