Miscellaneous - flutter-tizen/flutter-tizen GitHub Wiki

Getting the latest embedder

Pre-built embedder artifacts are automatically released at https://github.com/flutter-tizen/embedder/releases when a new commit is merged. These pre-releases are untested and unstable, and may have bugs or incompatible API changes. If you want to download any of the pre-releases, follow the below instructions.

  1. Go to https://github.com/flutter-tizen/embedder/commits/master and find your target commit hash.
  2. Open bin/internal/embedder.version in your flutter-tizen installation directory and overwrite the file with the commit hash you found in the previous step.
  3. Done. Build your app using either flutter-tizen build tpk or flutter-tizen run.

If you want to test a PR that hasn't even been merged yet, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install GitHub CLI if it's not already installed. If you're using GitHub CLI for the first time, be to log in with gh auth login.
  2. Go to the Checks tab of your target PR and click on the job name (Build) from the left sidebar.
  3. Find the Run ID from the URL of the Summary page. For example, if the URL is as follows, the Run ID is 1234567890.
  4. Run the following command(s) to invalidate cached artifacts and download new artifacts. Replace [RUN_ID] with the Run ID you found in the previous step.
    # Linux/macOS (Bash/Zsh)
    GITHUB_EMBEDDER_RUN_ID=[RUN_ID] flutter-tizen precache --tizen
    # Windows (PowerShell)
    flutter-tizen precache --tizen
  5. Done. Build your app using either flutter-tizen build tpk or flutter-tizen run.

Running flutter-tizen on WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)

Note: Use WSL1 if you want to use Tizen emulators or your Tizen device is connected via USB, since WSL2 doesn't support USB pass-through.

  1. (Windows) Install Tizen Studio using the GUI installer. You may also install emulator packages using Package Manager if necessary.

  2. (Linux) Install Tizen Studio using the CLI installer. On Ubuntu 20.04, for example:

    # Install dependencies.
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install curl pciutils zip libncurses5 python2.7 libpython2.7
    # Download and install Tizen Studio.
    curl -o install.bin http://download.tizen.org/sdk/Installer/tizen-studio_5.1/web-cli_Tizen_Studio_5.1_ubuntu-64.bin
    chmod a+x install.bin
    ./install.bin --accept-license
    rm install.bin
    # Install required packages using package-manager-cli.
    ~/tizen-studio/package-manager/package-manager-cli.bin install --accept-license \
      NativeToolchain-Gcc-9.2 WEARABLE-5.5-NativeAppDevelopment-CLI cert-add-on
  3. (Linux) Install flutter-tizen and add it to your PATH.

  4. (Linux) Verify by running the doctor command.

    $ flutter-tizen doctor
    [✓] Flutter (Channel unknown, 2.2.1, on Linux, locale C.UTF-8)
    [✓] Tizen toolchain - develop for Tizen devices
    [✗] Android toolchain - develop for Android devices
        ✗ Unable to locate Android SDK.
    [!] Android Studio (not installed)
    [✓] Connected device (2 available)

Note: If you are using WSL1, it is recommended to start the sdb server from the Windows side. Otherwise, sdb devices may not list your connected devices correctly.

Note: If you have a problem signing a TPK and installing it on your Tizen device, see TPK installation troubleshooting.