useMemo shouldComponentUpdate - florypaul/ReactJS GitHub Wiki

In a comment above Gabriele Petrioli links to the React.memo documentation that explains how to implement shouldComponentUpdate. I was googling combinations of shouldComponentUpdate + useEffect + "react hooks", and this came up as the result. So after solving my problem with the linked documentation I thought I would bring the information here as well.

This is the old way of implementing shouldComponentUpdate:

class MyComponent extends React.Component{ shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps){ return nextProps.value !== this.props.value; } render(){ return (

{"My Component " + this.props.value}
} } The New React Hooks way:

React.memo(function MyComponent (props) {


{ "My Component " + props.value }

}) I know you were probably asking for more in your question, but for anyone coming from Google looking for how to implement shouldComponentUpdate using React Hooks,

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