9. Lifting state management - florypaul/ReactJS GitHub Wiki

Scenario - sharing the form input entered values to a different component to display those values

App.js has

  1. we need to pass value from AddUserForm.js to App.js (is called lifting state management, sharing the state stored values to App.js

for this, in App.js

  1. import { useState} from 'react';
  2. give a custom attribute to call a function that fetches values

https://github.com/academind/react-complete-guide-code/tree/08-practice-project/code 3. write the code in getFormValueFunc const [usersList, setUsersList] = useState([]);//passing empty array in useState const getFormValueFunc = (uName, uAge) =>{ setUsersList(prevState=>{ return [ ...prevState, { name: uName, age: uAge, id: Math.random().toString(); } ] })


  1. In AddUserForm pass the user entered form values to setUsersList

setUsersList(enteredUserName, enteredAge)

  1. then from App.js pass form values to DisplayUserList.js

In DisplayUserList.js component you use props.users.map() to display user name and age
