3. Imports and Exports Modules - florypaul/ReactJS GitHub Wiki

In React we create re-usable modules of code.

  • Using default export - you can import the component directly in the file example in person.js: const person= { name: 'John Smith' } export default empName

import person.js from './person.js';

  • Named export - But if you are using multiple modules in a JS file and export with it name then we use curly braces while importing example in Utilities.js

export const name ={ name : 'John Smith' } export const base = { id : "1" }

import {name} from './Utilities.js' import {base} from './Utilities.js'

  • We can also use '*' for importing all the modules from a single js file with alias name

import * as bundle from "./Utilities.js"
