Abstractions for OSM Proxy Control Plane - flomesh-io/osm-edge GitHub Wiki
This proposal is to provide abstractions for OSM Proxy Control Plane component, for it to break hard-coded dependencies on current envoy-based implementation, move current envoy-based implementation as a reference implementation, and pave the way for future integration of 3rd party sidecar proxy services.
OSM Sidecar Proxy Control Plane is one of the core components and plays a key part in operating the service mesh. This component implements the interfaces required by specific sidecar proxy and provides continuous configuration updates to sidecar proxies. OSM current implementation of this key component is solely based on Envoy’s go-control-plane xDS v3 API, thus having a strong dependency or tight-coupling on Envody (vendor-specific protocol and/or sidecar).
And key focus of this proposal is to provide:
- Provide an abstraction (Sidecar Driver Interface)
- Re-factor existing implementation to implement the abstraction and break the coupling.
- Open doors to 3rd parties for easy integration of sidecar
Architecture Diagram
The Proxy Control plane component will be responsible for the life cycle management of sidecar drivers and communicating with drivers using the Sidecar Driver interface.
Vendors wishing to extend or provide a sidecar will implement the abstraction and provide configuration updates to their respective sidecar implementations in format/manners which suit their sidecar-specific needs.
Sidecar Driver Lifecycle and Proxy Control Plane Interaction
Sidecar Driver Interface
A Sidecar Driver needs to implement the Driver interface to integrate with the OSM Injector and Controller.
// Driver is an interface that must be implemented by a sidecar driver.
// Patch method is invoked by osm-injector and Start method is invoked by osm-controller
type Driver interface {
Patch(ctx context.Context) error
Start(ctx context.Context) (health.Probes, error)
Start returns Sidecar driver HealthProbes
// HealthProbes is to serve as an indication how to probe the sidecar driver's health status
type HealthProbes struct {
liveness, readiness, startup *HealthProbe
// HealthProbe is an API endpoint to indicate the current status of the sidecar driver.
type HealthProbe struct {
path string
port int32
http bool
timeout time.Duration
tcpSocket bool
When a Pod gets deployed, OSM Injector registered webhook will inject configurations for this Pod, such as creating certificates for Sidecar and setting Labels, Annotations, Metrics, etc. Webhook will invoke the Patch method, which needs to implement:
1. Inject the container and configure network rules for Sidecar, such as forwarding network traffic etc.
2. Inject the Sidecar container, configure volumes to be attached to Sidecar configuration files, and perform health checks
The information needed for this method is encapsulated in the InjectorContext struct:
type InjectorContext struct {
Pod *corev1.Pod
MeshName string
OsmNamespace string
PodNamespace string
PodOS string
ProxyCommonName certificate.CommonName
ProxyUUID uuid.UUID
Configurator configurator.Configurator
KubeClient kubernetes.Interface
BootstrapCertificate *certificate.Certificate
ContainerPullPolicy corev1.PullPolicy
InboundPortExclusionList []int
OutboundPortExclusionList []int
OutboundIPRangeInclusionList []string
OutboundIPRangeExclusionList []string
OriginalHealthProbes HealthProbes
DryRun bool
OSM Controller on start will invoke Start method, which need to implement:
1. A Sidecar proxy controls plane services and encapsulates SMI traffic policies into vendor's sidecard specific format
2. Return
The information needed for this method is encapsulated in the ControllerContext struct:
type ControllerContext struct {
ProxyServerPort uint32
ProxyServiceCert *certificate.Certificate
OsmNamespace string
KubeConfig *rest.Config
Configurator configurator.Configurator
MeshCatalog catalog.MeshCataloger
CertManager certificate.Manager
MsgBroker *messaging.Broker
DebugHandlers map[string]http.Handler
CancelFunc func()
Stop chan struct {
When the Patch and Start methods are invoked, context.WithCancel encapsulates InjectorContext and ControllerContext as context.context:
background := driver.InjectorContext{
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(&background)
defer cancel()
background := driver.ControllerContext{
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(&background)
defer cancel()
background.CancelFunc = cancel
Sidecar driver implementation can access InjectorCtxKey
and ControllerCtxKey
parentCtx := ctx.Value(&driver.InjectorCtxKey)
if parentCtx == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing Injector Context")
injCtx := parentCtx.(*driver.InjectorContext)
parentCtx := ctx.Value(&driver.ControllerCtxKey)
if parentCtx == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing Controller Context")
ctrlCtx := parentCtx.(*driver.ControllerContext)
Reference implementation
Sidecar Driver Adaptor**
Variables declaration
- The map object drivers acts as an object container for sidecar drivers
- Read/write lock driversMutex to ensure thread-safe operation on
object - engineDriver Keep information of currently in use Sidecar driver
var (
driversMutex sync.RWMutex
drivers = make(map[string]driver.Driver)
engineDriver driver.Driver
Sidecar Driver Registration
Register method is used to register implemented driver.
Note: Multiple invocations of Register
method will panic, so its responsibility of Driver implementors to ensure driver is registered only once.
// Register makes a sidecar driver available by the provided name.
// If Register is called twice with the same name or if driver is nil,
// it panics.
func Register(name string, driver driver.Driver) {
defer driversMutex.Unlock()
if driver == nil {
panic("sidecar: Register driver is nil")
if _, dup := drivers[name]; dup {
panic("sidecar: Register called twice for driver " + name)
drivers[name] = driver
Sidecar Driver Adaptor
// Patch is an adapter method for InjectorDriver.Patch
func Patch(ctx context.Context) error {
defer driversMutex.RUnlock()
if engineDriver == nil {
return errors.New("sidecar: unknown driver (forgot to init?)")
return engineDriver.Patch(ctx)
// Start is an adapter method for ControllerDriver.Start
func Start(ctx context.Context) (health.Probes, error) {
defer driversMutex.RUnlock()
if engineDriver == nil {
return nil, errors.New("sidecar: unknown driver (forgot to init?)")
return engineDriver.Start(ctx)
sidecar Driver Initialization
// InitDriver is to serve as an indication of the using sidecar driver
func InitDriver(driverName string) error {
defer driversMutex.Unlock()
registeredDriver, ok := drivers[driverName]
if !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("sidecar: unknown driver %q (forgotten import?)", driverName)
engineDriver = registeredDriver
return nil
Reference Implementation
Sidecar Driver Implementations
Envoy Driver
Pipy Driver
Integration with DebugServer
In the Start method of the driver, you can use ControllerContext.DebugHandlers to enrich DebugServer debugging
// EnvoySidecarDriver is the envoy sidecar driver
type EnvoySidecarDriver struct {
ctx *driver.ControllerContext
// Start is the implement for ControllerDriver.Start
func (sd EnvoySidecarDriver) Start(ctx context.Context) (health.Probes, error) {
parentCtx := ctx.Value(&driver.ControllerCtxKey)
if parentCtx == nil {
return nil, errors.New("missing Controller Context")
ctrlCtx := parentCtx.(*driver.ControllerContext)
ctrlCtx.DebugHandlers["/debug/proxy"] = sd.getProxies(proxyRegistry)
ctrlCtx.DebugHandlers["/debug/xds"] = sd.getXDSHandler(xdsServer)
Using Sidecar Driver
import (
_ "github.com/openservicemesh/osm/pkg/sidecar/providers/envoy/driver"
_ "github.com/openservicemesh/osm/pkg/sidecar/providers/pipy/driver"
Driver implementation should use init
method for registration purposes.
const (
driverName = `pipy`
func init() {
sidecar.Register(driverName, new(PipySidecarDriver))
Install respective sidecar driver registered under sidecarClass of MeshConfig
cfg := configurator.NewConfigurator(...)
err = sidecar.InstallDriver(cfg.GetSidecarClass())
if err != nil {
events.GenericEventRecorder().FatalEvent(err, events.InitializationError, "Error creating sidecar driver")
func (wh *mutatingWebhook) createPatch(pod *corev1.Pod, req *admissionv1.AdmissionRequest, proxyUUID uuid.UUID) ([]byte, error) {
background := driver.InjectorContext{
Pod: pod,
MeshName: wh.meshName,
OsmNamespace: wh.osmNamespace,
PodNamespace: namespace,
PodOS: podOS,
ProxyCommonName: cn,
ProxyUUID: proxyUUID,
Configurator: wh.configurator,
KubeClient: wh.kubeClient,
BootstrapCertificate: bootstrapCertificate,
ContainerPullPolicy: wh.osmContainerPullPolicy,
InboundPortExclusionList: inboundPortExclusionList,
OutboundPortExclusionList: outboundPortExclusionList,
OutboundIPRangeInclusionList: outboundIPRangeInclusionList,
OutboundIPRangeExclusionList: outboundIPRangeExclusionList,
OriginalHealthProbes: originalHealthProbes,
DryRun: req.DryRun != nil && *req.DryRun,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(&background)
defer cancel()
if err = sidecar.Patch(ctx); err != nil {
return nil, err
return json.Marshal(makePatches(req, pod))
func main() {
background := driver.ControllerContext{
ProxyServerPort: cfg.GetProxyServerPort(),
ProxyServiceCert: proxyServiceCert,
OsmNamespace: osmNamespace,
KubeConfig: kubeConfig,
Configurator: cfg,
MeshCatalog: meshCatalog,
CertManager: certManager,
MsgBroker: msgBroker,
DebugHandlers: make(map[string]http.Handler),
Stop: stop,
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(&background)
defer cancel()
background.CancelFunc = cancel
// Create and start the sidecar proxy service
healthProbes, err := sidecar.Start(ctx)
if err != nil {
events.GenericEventRecorder().FatalEvent(err, events.InitializationError, "Error initializing proxy control server")
// Health/Liveness probes
funcProbes := []health.Probes{healthProbes, smi.HealthChecker{DiscoveryClient: clientset.Discovery()}}
// Create DebugServer and start its config event listener.
// Listener takes care to start and stop the debug server as appropriate
debugConfig := debugger.NewDebugConfig(certDebugger, meshCatalog, kubeConfig, kubeClient, cfg, k8sClient, msgBroker)
go debugConfig.StartDebugServerConfigListener(background.DebugHandlers, stop)
Reference Implementation
Changes to OSM API
Addition of SidecarClass and SidecarDriverSpec in SidecarSpec
SidecarClass Specifies the default sidecar driver
// SidecarDriverSpec is the type to represent OSM's sidecar driver define.
type SidecarDriverSpec struct {
// SidecarClass defines the class used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarClass string `json:"sidecarClass,omitempty"`
// SidecarImage defines the container image used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarImage string `json:"sidecarImage,omitempty"`
// SidecarWindowsImage defines the windows container image used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarWindowsImage string `json:"SidecarImageWindowsImage,omitempty"`
// InitContainerImage defines the container image used for the init container injected to meshed pods.
InitContainerImage string `json:"initContainerImage,omitempty"`
// SidecarDrivers defines the sidecar supported.
SidecarDrivers []SidecarDriverSpec `json:"sidecarDrivers,omitempty"`
type SidecarDriverSpec struct {
// SidecarName defines the name of the sidecar driver.
SidecarName string `json:"sidecarName,omitempty"`
// SidecarImage defines the container image used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarImage string `json:"sidecarImage,omitempty"`
// SidecarWindowsImage defines the windows container image used for the proxy sidecar.
SidecarWindowsImage string `json:"SidecarImageWindowsImage,omitempty"`
// InitContainerImage defines the container image used for the init container injected to meshed pods.
InitContainerImage string `json:"initContainerImage,omitempty"`
// ProxyServerPort is the port on which the Discovery Service listens for new connections from Sidecars
ProxyServerPort uint32 `json:"proxyServerPort"`
// SidecarDisabledMTLS defines whether mTLS is disabled.
SidecarDisabledMTLS bool `json:"sidecarDisabledMTLS"`
Reference Implementation
Changes to Helm Charts
# -- The class of the OSM Sidecar Driver
sidecarClass: pipy
# -- Sidecar image for Linux workloads
sidecarImage: flomesh/pipy-nightly:latest
# -- Sidecar drivers supported by osm
- sidecarName: pipy
# -- Sidecar image for Linux workloads
sidecarImage: flomesh/pipy-nightly:latest
# -- Remote destination port on which the Discovery Service listens for new connections from Sidecars.
proxyServerPort: 6060
- sidecarName: envoy
# -- Sidecar image for Linux workloads
sidecarImage: envoyproxy/envoy:v1.19.3
# -- Sidecar image for Windows workloads
sidecarWindowsImage: envoyproxy/envoy-windows:latest
# -- Remote destination port on which the Discovery Service listens for new connections from Sidecars.
proxyServerPort: 15128
- Configurations settings of
takes precedence over values defined underosm.sidecarDrivers
with same keys. - Only if these settigns are missing under
then values underosm.sidecarDrivers
will be choosen.
Reference implementation as below:
// GetSidecarImage returns the sidecar image
func (c *client) GetSidecarImage() string {
image := c.getMeshConfig().Spec.Sidecar.SidecarImage
if len(image) == 0 {
sidecarClass := c.getMeshConfig().Spec.Sidecar.SidecarClass
sidecarDrivers := c.getMeshConfig().Spec.Sidecar.SidecarDrivers
for _, sidecarDriver := range sidecarDrivers {
if strings.EqualFold(strings.ToLower(sidecarClass), strings.ToLower(sidecarDriver.SidecarName)) {
image = sidecarDriver.SidecarImage
if len(image) == 0 {
image = os.Getenv("OSM_DEFAULT_SIDECAR_IMAGE")
return image
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: preset-mesh-config
namespace: {{ include "osm.namespace" . }}
preset-mesh-config.json: |
"sidecar": {
"enablePrivilegedInitContainer": {{.Values.osm.enablePrivilegedInitContainer | mustToJson}},
"logLevel": {{.Values.osm.sidecarLogLevel | mustToJson}},
"maxDataPlaneConnections": {{.Values.osm.maxDataPlaneConnections | mustToJson}},
"configResyncInterval": {{.Values.osm.configResyncInterval | mustToJson}},
"sidecarClass": {{.Values.osm.sidecarClass | mustToJson }},
"sidecarDrivers": {{.Values.osm.sidecarDrivers | mustToJson }}