TCPIP slice - flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs GitHub Wiki


Create a slice receiver. See SmartSDR Supported Modes for a complete list of supported modes

C[D]<seq_number>|slice create [freq=<MHz>][pan=<streamID>][ant=<antenna_port>][mode=<mode>][clone_slice=<source_slice>]

<MHz>          = frequency in MHz, up to 15 significant digits
<streamID>     = stream identification
<antenna_port> = antenna designator: ANT1, ANT2, RXA, RXB, or XVTR
<mode>         = alphanumeric mode designator: usb, lsb, cw, am ...
<source_slice> = slice to be cloned


C21|slice create freq=10.0 ant=ANT1 mode=usb

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 <slice_rx> OK Slice receiver created on MHz on port
50000001   Unable to get foundation receiver assignment
50000003   License check failed, cannot create slice receiver
50000004   Slice parameter error
50000005   The number or type of parameters supplied is incorrect
50000016   Malformed Command
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters
50000032   Bad Mode


   <slice_rx> = the slice receiver number assigned to this slice receiver        

Response Example:

R21|0|2|OK Slice receiver 2 created on 10.000 MHz on port ANT1


Returns the frequency error of a slice. Slices are tuned using a set of digital tuning elements that can be slightly off-frequency. This command will report the known difference in the requested and actual frequency. Note that this command is only useful if the radio is GPS locked or locked to a 10MHz reference. The result does not take into account any drift in the internal OCXO or TCXO. Note that the FLEX-6500 and FLEX-6700(R) use a PLL master oscillator with a very narrow loop bandwidth (10Hz) that will have around a 3-4 cycle-per-minute sinusoid that will modulate the receiver and transmitter. Typical error induced by the oscillation is in the vicinity of 3mHz peak-to-peak. Long-term averaging should null out this error (v1.10.8 and later)

C[D]<seq_number>|slice get_error <slice_rx>

<slice_rx>    =  the slice receiver number that has the error.  Slice receivers are numbered starting with zero (0)


C21|slice get_error 0

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 <rx_error_value>,<tx_error_value> <rx_error_value> is the frequency offset in mHz for the receiver (tx for transmitter). Negative values indicate the receiver or transmitter is tuned low in frequency.
50000004   Incorrect number of parameters
50000005   The number or type of parameters supplied is incorrect
5000000D   Invalid Slice Receiver
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Remove (delete) a slice receiver

C[D]<seq_number>|slice r <slice_rx>

<slice_rx>    =  the slice receiver number to be removed.  Slice receivers are numbered starting with zero (0)


C19|slice r 0

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 Successfully deleted slice receiver
50000005   The number or type of parameters supplied is incorrect
5000000D   Invalid Slice Receiver
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters
534C9999   The slice number provided is invalid


Response Example:



Tune the slice receiver to a new frequency

C[D]<seq_number>|slice t <slice_rx> <frequency> [autopan=<0|1>]

<slice_rx>    =  the slice receiver number to be removed.  Slice receivers are numbered starting with zero (0)
<frequency>   =  the new frequency for the slice receiver specified in MHz
autopan specifies if panadapters should be tuned to keep slice in view


C12|slice t 1 14.2055

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 Successfully tuned slice receiver
50000005   The number or type of parameters supplied is incorrect
5000000C   The frequency requested is out of range
5000000D   Invalid slice receiver number
5000001D   Insufficient resources to tune to that frequency (requires new minimixer, not available)
534C9999   The slice number provided is invalid


Response Example:



Retrieve a list of slice receivers currently enabled. Note that the single letter after the slice command is a lower case L, not a number one.

C[D]<seq_number>|slice list


C41|slice list

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 list of slice receivers provided


Response Example:

R41|0|0 1 3 4|

In this example, slice receivers 0, 1, 3 and 4 are all enabled and in use.


Changes various operational parameters specific to the slice receiver.

C[D]<seq_number>|slice s <slice_rx> <parameter=value> [<parameter=value>...]


C41|slice s 0 nr=50

Parameters that can be set and the appropriate values are listed in the table below:

Parameter Value
active select (active=1) or deselect (active=0) the specified slice
agc_mode specify the agc mode <off|slow|med|fast>
agc_off_level specify at what level agc will turn off
agc_threshold set the agc threshold <0-100>
anf automatic notch filter state (on or off)
anf_level automatic notch filter level: 0=OFF, range 0-100
apf_level set apf level <0-100>
dax dax channel to be used by the specified slice receiver
diversity enable/disable diversity
mode demodulation mode (See SmartSDR Supported Modes for a complete list of supported modes)
nb noise blanking state (on or off)
nb_level noise blanking level: 0=OFF, range 0-100
nr noise reduction state (on or off)
nr_level noise reduction level: 0=OFF, range 0-100
tnf enable/disable tnf <T|F>
tx enable (tx=1) or disable (tx=0) transmission via the specified slice
txant specify the tx antenna port ex: ANT1
wnb enable/disable white noise blanker <on|off>
wnb_level set the wnb level <0-100>
step specifies a step
step_list returns list of steps
record starts recording <0
play starts playing recording <0
fm_deviation changes the frequency deviation in Hz
dfm_pre_de_emphasis <T
rf_gain changes frequency gain <-10
audio_level audio level <0-100>
audio_pan pan audio level <0-100>
sample_rate adjust sample rate <24000
squelch enable/disable squelch <1
squelch_level squelch level state <1
pos_mute toggle pos mute <0

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 OK - update successful
5000000F Invalid DSP process (the process you attempted to set it not in this signal chain)
50000016 Malformed command
5000002D Bad field
5000002F Unimplemented mode (mode recognized, but not yet implemented)
50000030 Signal chain error - likely bad mode
50000032 Unrecognized mode (string)
50000033 Parameter out of range


Response Example:

R41|0|0 1 3 4|

In this example, slice receivers 0, 1, 3 and 4 are all enabled and in use.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️