TCPIP message - flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs GitHub Wiki


The message command allows one client to send a message to other clients that will provide important information to the clients. Today, messages displayed in this way generally do not persist on the client: they are shown briefly and then they are removed from the display.

C[D]<seq_number>|message severity=<severity> code=<value> "<message to deliver>"

<severity>    = severity of message (see table below)
<value>  = optional hexadecimal error code to be interpreted by other clients (3 bytes)
<message>     = message to be delivered

Severity Values:

Severity Meaning Hex Value
info Informational message, no action required 0x10
warning Warning condition 0x31
error Error condition that will typically prevent operation 0xE2
fatal Error condition that will require reset or restart 0xF3


C16|message severity=error code=0x000012 "Amplifier over temperature"

Note that SmartSDR will append one byte to the front of the error code (high order 8 bits out of 32) as shown in the Hex Value column in the table above. The error code delivered to the client for the message above is 0xE2000012. If the code value is not supplied, 0x000000 will be used in place of a value from the command.

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 OK message received
50000016 Malformed command (parameter values typically wrong)
5000002C Incorrect number of parameters
500000A4 Invalid severity


Response Example:

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️