TCPIP display panafall - flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs GitHub Wiki


Create a panafall display.

Only the GUI client may create a Panafall successfully today. Issue #2323 has been added to address this bug.

C[D]<seq_number>|display panafall c freq=<frequency> [ant=[antenna]] [x=[width]] [y=[height]]

<frequency>    = frequency in MHz, up to 15 significant digits
[antenna]      = (optional) antenna port designator (ANT1, ANT2, RX_A, RX_B, XVTR)
[width]     = (optional) the width of the display in pixels
[height]     = (optional) the height of the display in pixels


C21|display panafall c 10.0 1 800 400

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 ,
50000001   Unable to get foundation receiver assignment
50000003   License check failed, cannot create slice receiver
50000005   The number or type of parameters supplied is incorrect
50000016   Malformed command (unable to parse the frequency, or similar field
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters
5000002D   Bad field


    = the 32-bit hex ID number of the stream to be used as a reference in the client.  Your client implementation should save this value so that it can be used in subsequent "set" commands.

    = similar reference to the waterfall stream that is automatically created with the Pandapter object.        

Response Example:



Remove (delete) a panafall display

C[D]<seq_number>|display panafall r <stream_id>

<stream_id>    =  the panafall stream ID returned in the prior create command


C19|display panafall r 0x40000000

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 Successfully deleted panafall
50000005   The number or type of parameters supplied is incorrect
534C9999   The slice number provided is invalid


Response Example:



Retrieve settings that govern the RF Gain control in the radio. Since the RF Gain is a function of hardware implementations, each radio may have different control settings. This command retrieves the details that will make implementation of a control surface possible.

C[D]<seq_number>|display panafall rfgain_info <stream_id>

<stream_id>    =  the panafall stream ID returned in the prior create command


C21|display panafall rfgain_info 0x40000000

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 ,,[,]... the response contains the details needed to implement a control
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters
5000002D   Bad Field


: low setting for the control : high setting for the control : the increment between steps, or granularity of the control : the locations of one or more markers to be placed on the control if possible. Each will be separated from the next by a comma

Response Example:


In this case the control should have setting that go from -10 to 30 in steps of 10 (so -10, 0, 10, 20, 30) and there should be a market at 0 and 20 if possible.


Change parameters that affect the panafall display or underlying hardware

C[D]<seq_number>|display panafall s <stream_id> <param=value> [<param=value>...]

<stream_id>    =  the panafall stream ID returned in the prior create command
<param=value>  =  a parameter and new value to be changed (one or more of these)


C12|display panafall s xpixels=1000 ypixels=500
Parameter Meaning and Values |+Valid set parameters
center change center frequency in MHz of the panafall display (14.100, for example)
bandwidth change bandwidth in MHz of the panafall display (0.100, for example)
xpixels change the width of the panafall display in pixels (1000, for example)
ypixels change the height of the panafall display in pixels (500, for example)
fps change the desired number of frames of panafall data per second to be received (15-30 frames per second is typical)
min_dbm change the minimum (y-pixel-min) of the display in dBm (-150.0, for example)
max_dbm change the maximum (y-pixel-max) of the display in dBm (0.0, for example)
port change the target port number for the data[^1]
ant change the antenna for this display. The valid list of antennas can be retrieved with the TCP/IP antenna list command
rfgain change the rfgain for the SCU. The valid range for this command must be found using the rfgain_info command.[^2]
average change the level of averaging displayed <0-100>
band set which band is being used for the panafall. If specifying a regular HF band, command takes the form of band= . If specifying a XVTR band, command takes the form of band=x
reset_band reset the band
auto_center auto center the panadapter <1|0>
auto_black enable/disable the auto black level for the waterfall <on|off|1|0>
color_gain change the gain for the color of the panafall <0-100>
black_level change the black level for the waterfall <0-100>
wnb enable the white noise blanker <on|off>
wnb_level change the level of the white noise blanker <0-100>
n1mm_spectrum_enable turn on the n1mm spectrum <on|off|1|0>
n1mm_address set the address of the n1mm. of the form x.x.x.x
n1mm_port set the port of the n1mm <0-65535>
n1mm_radio set the radio of the n1mm <0-255>

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 OK
50000005   The number or type of parameters supplied is incorrect
5000000C   The frequency requested is out of range
5000000D   Invalid slice receiver number
5000001D   Insufficient resources to tune to that frequency (requires new minimixer, not available)
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters
5000002D   Bad Field
534C9999   The slice number provided is invalid


Response Example:



[^1]: Generally you should filter based on VITA-49 packet headers, not port. Some microcontroller implementations may require port filtering, though

[^2]: Preamp and attenuator selection and settings are calculated automatically by SmartSDR based on this parameter

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️