TCPIP cw - flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs GitHub Wiki


Turns on the CW auto spacing algorithm in iambic mode. When enabled, the keyer will automatically space characters.

C[D]<seq_number>|cw auto_space <state>

<state>    =  representation of either on or off (see below)


C19|cw auto_space on

See Boolean State for different text representations for a state See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Turns on the CW break in mode (or disables it)

C[D]<seq_number>|cw break_in <state>

<state>    =  representation of either on or off (see below)


C19|cw break_in on

See Boolean State for different text representations for a state See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Sets the CW break in delay in milliseconds. Break_In must be enabled for this to have an effect

C[D]<seq_number>|cw break_in_delay <delay>

<delay>    =  break in delay in milliseconds


C19|cw break_in_delay 10

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



When in the CW mode, tuning is in the upper sideband (USB) mode by default, but cwl_enable provides a way to change the CW mode to lower sideband. This command will affect all slice receivers in the CW mode.

C[D]<seq_number>|cw cwl_enable <state>

<state>    =  representation of either on or off (see below)


C19|cw cwl_enable on

See Boolean State for different text representations for a state See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Turns on the CW Iambic paddle mode. When this mode is off, the CW inputs are interpreted as straight key.

C[D]<seq_number>|cw iambic <state>

<state>    =  representation of either on or off (see below)


C19|cw iambic on

See Boolean State for different text representations for a state See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Set the keyer iambic mode (only applies when the keyer is enabled)

C[D]<seq_number>|cw mode <mode>

<mode>       = Number referring to the mode (0 = Mode A, 1 = Mode B, 2 = Mode B Strict)


C21|cw mode 1

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters



Set the pitch of the CW sidetone

C[D]<seq_number>|cw pitch <freq>

<freq>       = frequency in Hertz of the CW sidetone


C21|cw pitch 600

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters



Turns on the CW sidetone. When sidetone is on, a tone representing the on-air CW that is being sent will be emitted from the local speaker when transmitting CW.

C[D]<seq_number>|cw sidetone <state>

<state>    =  representation of either on or off (see below)


C19|cw sidetone on

See Boolean State for different text representations for a state See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



When enabled, swap will reverse or swap the position of the dot and dash inputs. This can be used to accomodate for an improperly wired keyer, etc.

C[D]<seq_number>|cw swap <state>

<state>    =  representation of either on or off (see below)


C19|cw swap on

See Boolean State for different text representations for a state See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Make adjustments to the amplitude and frequency of the two tones in the CW engine. By setting the one of the tones to 0, CW or FSK behavior can be selected. All parameters must be present

C[D]<seq_number>|cw tone <tone1_frequency> <tone1_amp> <tone2_freq> <tone2_amp> <ramp_speed>

<tone1_freq>    =  frequency in Hz for the first tone (100-6000 Hz)
<tone1_amp>     =  amplitude of the tone in dBFS
<tone2_freq>    =  frequency in Hz for the second tone (100-6000 Hz)
<tone2_amp>     =  amplitude of the tone in dBFS
<ramp_speed>     =  must be less than 1024 (8 = 5.33ms, 16 = 2.66ms)


C19|cw tone 600 -2.0 0 0 8

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Set the weight of the CW keyer to a specific value. The calculations that determine the length of a dot, space and dash are:

space = 1200ms / wpm dot = space * weight / 50 dash = space * weight / 50 + space * 2

C[D]<seq_number>|cw weight <weight>

<weight>    =  a number between 0-100 setting the relative weight; default is 50


C19|cw weight 50

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Set the speed of the CW keyer to a specific words-per-minute (WPM) value. If a value below 5 is sent, 5 will be used. If a value above 100 is sent, 100 will be used.

C[D]<seq_number>|cw wpm <speed>

<speed>    =  a number between 5-100 setting the speed in words-per-minute


C19|cw wpm 25

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:



Will transition radio between PTT and MOX or key on/off.

   C[D]<seq number>|cw ptt [1|0|on|off] time=<timestamp> index=<index>
Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️