TCPIP audio client - flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs GitHub Wiki


Adds a slice receiver to a client's audio stream

C[D]<seq_number>|audio client <id> slice <index> add

<id>           = The Client ID which to add the slice stream
<index>        = The slice index whose stream to add


C42|audio client 1234ABCD slice 0 add

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK Slice added to
5000000D   Invalid slice receiver ()
50000024   No Audio Client found for submitted Client ID ()
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:

R42|0||OK OK Slice 0 added to 1234ABCD


Remove (delete) a slice receiver stream from a client

C[D]<seq_number>|audio client <id> slice <index> remove

<id>    =  The Client ID from which to remove the slice stream
<index> =  The index of the slice to be removed


C43|audio client 1234ABCD slice 0 remove

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 OK Successfully removed slice from
5000000D   Invalid slice receiver ()
50000024   No Audio Client found for submitted Client ID ()
50000025   slice not found for ()
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:

R43|0||OK Successfully removed slice 0 from 1234ABCD


Set the slice gain for a client

C[D]<seq_number>|audio client <id> slice <index> gain <val>

<id>          =  the Client ID to modify
<index>       =  the slice receiver stream to modify the gain.  The receivers are numbered starting with zero (0)
<val>         =  the new gain value to use - number in the range [0.0, 1.0]


C44|audio client 1234ABCD slice 0 gain 0.7

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 OK slice gain set to for
5000000D   Invalid slice receiver number
50000024   No Audio Client found for submitted Client ID ()
50000025   slice not found in Audio Client ()
50000026   Gain value not within the required [0.0,1.0] range ()
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:

R44|0||OK slice 0 gain set to 0.7 for 1234ABCD


Mute or un-mute the slice for a client

C[D]<seq_number>|audio client <id> slice <index> mute <val>

<id>          =  the Client ID to modify
<index>       =  the slice receiver stream to modify the gain.  The receivers are numbered starting with zero (0)
<val>         =  1 to mute, 0 to un-mute


C44|audio client 0 slice 0 mute 1

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 OK slice muted or un-muted for
5000000D   Invalid slice receiver number
50000024   No Audio Client found for submitted Client ID ()
50000025   slice not found in Audio Client ()
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:

R44|0||OK slice 0 muted for 0


Set the slice audio balance (how much audio goes to each ear)

C[D]<seq_number>|audio client <id> slice <index> pan <val>

<id>    =  The Client ID to modify
<index> =  The slice receiver stream to modify.   Slice receivers are numbered starting at 0.
<val>   =  The value to set balance in the range [0.0, 1.0] where 0.0 is full left and 1.0 is full right.


C45|audio client 1234ABCD slice 0 pan 0.4

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 OK slice pan set to for
5000000D Invalid slice receiver ()
50000024 No Audio Client found for submitted Client ID ()
50000025 slice not found for
50000027 Pan value not within required [0.0, 1.0] range
5000002C   Incorrect number of parameters


Response Example:

R45|0||OK slice 0 pan set to 0.4 for 1234ABCD
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