TCPIP atu - flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs GitHub Wiki

ATU Information

Only radios with a transmitter will have an integrated antenna tuner. Some radios, such as the FLEX-6300, have the antenna tuner as an option. Each individual receiver may have different antenna specifications and may have different tuning ranges.


Start the antenna tuner to find an antenna match. Note that there must be a slice designated as the transmitter and the radio transmit state must be READY. READY indicates that the radio can transmit on the selected frequency. <pre> C[D]<seq_number>|atu start </pre> Example: <pre>C14|atu start</pre>

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 ATU starting tune cycle
50000016 Malformed Commmand


Response Example: <pre>R14|0</pre>


Place the antenna tuner in bypass mode. In bypass mode, the antenna tuner is removed from the path between the transmitter and the selected antenna. <pre> C[D]<seq_number>|atu bypass </pre> Example: <pre>C14|atu bypass</pre>

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 ATU now in bypass mode


Response Example: <pre>R14|0


Lists ATU memory of what mode it's in, memory usage, profile ID, memory frequency, C, L, and High Z values. <pre> C[D]<seq_number>|atu dump </pre>

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 ATU dump success
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️