TCPIP amplifier - flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs GitHub Wiki


Creates/registers a new amplifier associated with the client handle that created the connection

C[D]<seq_number>|amplifier create ip=<ip_string> port=<port> model=<model_string>
           serial_num=<serial> ant=<radio_ant:amp_ant,...>

<ip_string>             = optional IPv4 quartet (used to control amp from radio)
<port>                  = port number that the amplifier is listening for commands
<model_string>          = model of amplifier (max length of 64 chars) (no spaces allowed)
<serial_num>            = serial number of amplifier (max length of 64 chars) (no spaces allowed)
<radio_ant:amp_ant,...> = a list of radio_antenna to amplifier_antenna pairs that
                          specifies which radio antennas are connected to which amplifier
                          antennas, must be separated by commas (no spaces allowed).
                          amp_ant can also be NONE if that antenna is not connected


C44|amplifier create ip= port=9000 model=PowerGeniusXL serial_num=1284-2394-2345

If an amplifier has already been created by a specific client connection and this command is re-issued - it will overwrite the previous amplifier settings.

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000 OK
50000016 Malformed Command


Response Example:



Sets specific settings/fields of a particular amplifier object by handle.

C[D]<seq_number>|amplifier set <handle> operate=0|1

<handle>             = the handle of the amplifier (received from create status message)
operate              = 1|0 to specify if the amp is in operate mode (vs standby)


C44|amplifier set 0xA0F8467 operate=1

See Response Format for details on the format of the response messages from the radio

Hex Response Message Debug Output / Meaning
00000000   OK
50000016   Malformed Command
500000A7   Invalid amplifier - could not find by handle


Response Example:


Amplifier subscriptions

To subscribe to amplifier notifications (status messages) see Subscribe Amplifier

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