Command sub - flexradio/smartsdr-api-docs GitHub Wiki
The sub command allows a client to subscribe to updates on different SmartSDR components. The list of components that support subscriptions are:
- slice receivers
- foundation receivers
- SCUs
Once a subscription is activated, any changes to this component will cause a status message to be sent to the subscribing client. Generally clients will subscribe to any components that they will be displaying so that changes can be accurately reflected in any client display or system.
SmartSDR> sub slice <slice_receiver|all>
- slice_receiver → is the slice receiver that is to be monitored. Optionally the keyword 'all' may be entered to subscribe to all slice receivers.
Once a 'all' subscription is registered, all slice receiver changes will be reported to the client including additions of new slice receivers and changes to those new slice receivers.
SmartSDR> sub foundation <foundation_receiver|all>
- foundation_receiver → is the foundation receiver that is to be monitored. Optionally the keyword 'all' may be entered to subscribe to all foundation receivers.
Once a 'all' subscription is registered, all foundation receiver changes will be reported to the client including additions of new foundation receivers and changes to those new foundation receivers.
SmartSDR> sub scu <scu|all>
- scu → is the SCU that is to be monitored. Optionally the keyword 'all' may be entered to subscribe to all SCUs.
Once a 'all' subscription is registered, all SCU changes will be reported to the client including additions of new SCUs and changes to those new SCUs.
A list of all subscriptions currently in SmartSDR can be found with the dump command:
SmartSDR> sub d