Downgrade Fishy - fishyboteso/fishyboteso GitHub Wiki

As fishy is in frequent development with no stable/beta release cycle, you may encounter problems with the most recent version of fishy. If you want to downgrade fishy to a previous version follow this guide.

! Note that we are exclusively supporting python Python v3.7.3 for all versions since 2019.
! Note that you can execute pip or python -m pip instead, if python is installed correctly.

  1. Open a command line from windows start menu or by pressing Ctrl+R and confirming "cmd".
  2. Check your current fishy version by executing: python -m pip show fishy
  3. Backup your configs (by default located in C:\Users\< USERNAME >\Documents\fishy_config.json)
  4. Uninstall fishy by executing: python -m pip uninstall fishy
  5. repeat last step until it says "WARNING: Skipping fishy as it is not installed."
    (Multiple versions of fishy might be installed. Each uninstalling will just uninstall the latest installed version. Repeating the last step. will ensure that you have a clean install in the end)
  6. Install an older version of fishy by executing: python -m pip install -Iv fishy==0.5.22
    Substitute the correct version as needed. You can find the release versions on pypi.
  7. Now, when starting fishy, pay attention not to update fishy to the most recent version.
  8. Substitute the new config with your backup.
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