users - firedrakeproject/firedrake GitHub Wiki
University of Leeds
Onno Bokhove ( Geophysical fluids: interaction of ships with waves. Hamiltonian/variational formulations
Daniel Ruprecht ? ( Parallel in time
Kiel University
- Julian Andrej ( Optimal control, reduced order models
Imperial College
Colin Cotter, Jemma Shipton Atmospheric fluid dynamics, parallel in time (
Matt Piggott Coastal ocean ( Mesh adaptation
Durham University
- Lawrence Mitchell
SUNY Buffalo
- Matthew Knepley Preconditioning, magma dynamics
Rice (formerly University of Houston)
- Justin Chang Subsurface flow, performance modelling
- Andreas Kloeckner Code generation for multicore architecture
- Rob Kirby Code generation for multicore architecture, custom and block preconditioners, tide simulation
University of Bath
- Eike Mueller Multigrid preconditioning for atmosphere, high order DG?
- Chris Budd (Andrew McRae) Optimal transport on the sphere
University of Exeter
- Beth Wingate Parallel in time
- Tim Dodwell ? Structural mechanics/preconditioning
University of Waterloo
- Francis Poulin QG turbulence
University of Oxford
- Patrick Farrell (Florian Wechsung/Alberto Paganini) PDE-constrained shape optimisation Preconditioning and multigrid
- Thomas Roy Block preconditioning
- Moritz Braun Density functional theory
University of Washington
- Dan Shapero
University of Reading
Finnish Meteorological Institute
- Tuomas Karna
University of East Anglia
- Anna Kalogirou
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy
- Eduard Bopp
Iowa State
- Christian Helanow
University of Alaska Fairbanks
- Ed Bueler
Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil
- Emmanuel Yarleque Medina
University of Illinois, Chicago
- Eric Malitz
National University of Colombia
- Francisco Ramirez
- Harold Moundoyi
University of Edinburgh
- James Maddison
- Athanasios Angeloudis
Stockholm University
- Joy Monteiro
University of Potsdam
- David Angwenyi
IBM Research
- Robert Sawko
TU Delft
- Victor Koppejan
National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, Brazil
- Diego Volpatto
Univ. Grenoble Alpes, Inria, CNRS
- Chris Eldred
University of York
- Jon Hill
Colorado State
- Simon Taverner
University of Arizona
- Andrew Gillette Serendipity elements
Lawrence Livermore
- Alexey Voronin
Carnegie Mellon University
- Noel Walkington Space-time finite element.