Firedrake meeting 2025 02 26 - firedrakeproject/firedrake GitHub Wiki
Date and time 2025-02-26 1600 UTC
Action Items
- Pick Chair and Minuter (IM to pick?)
- ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
- ALL: do things with SV's branches
- DH: Email to Andreas to have 2 (+ others!!!) loopy PRs merged TODO: FIND OUT WHICH PRS THESE ARE
- DH: Get Firedrake a docker open source account (link here)
- DH: Talk to GregVernon about PR#2116.
- JB: Enable merge queues (minutes)
- LC: Try to merge RNH' PR: Movable VOM
- PB: Profile and speed up some tests (minutes, minutes)
- CW: More testing configurations (minutes)
Present: DD, DH, RK, JHC, CW, KS, KN, AO, LC
Pip Installation of Firedrake and Upcoming Release
- CW will handle the launch and inform users.
- Docker installation is expected to fail.
will continue to function as usual.- Interpolation changes will be included in the October release.
pip install?
- JHC: Andy Thomas has suggested we could have a system install of Firedrake on the maths NextGen cluster. Is this something we'd be interested in? We could have specific versions installed for anyone doesn't need bleeding edge features.
Merge PRs
Note that PRs put in this section should either be trivial or already have been reviewed. Discussion-worthy PRs should be separate agenda items.
UFL PR #355
DD:- Ensure it does not convert from
. - Investigate where it's failing to return
LinearSolver PR #4012
PB:- Needs to be split into smaller parts.
- Take care to avoid breaking Firedrake.
Tensor kwarg PR #4056
PB:- Looks good overall.
- It just needs a minor docstring fix.
Date of next meeting
1600 UTC 2025-03-05