Firedrake meeting 2024 01 17 - firedrakeproject/firedrake GitHub Wiki

Date and time 2024-01-17 1600 GMT (1600 UTC)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (KS to minute)
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. JB: Move pyop3 and FInAT to firedrakeproject
  4. ALL: do things with SV's branches
  5. DH: Email to Andreas to have 2 (+ others!!!) loopy PRs merged TODO: FIND OUT WHICH PRS THESE ARE
  6. DH: Get Firedrake a docker open source account (link here)
  7. DH: Talk to GregVernon about PR#2116.
  8. DH: Revisit PR#2484.
  9. DH: Order more Firedrake stickers
  10. ALL/ANY: Drop libsupermesh (minutes)? JB: Waiting for
  11. NB: Update on what is needed for Interp/ExternalOperator to be merged


Present: DH, DID, JB, CW, NB, FA, IM, JHC, KS


JB: PDESoft in Cambridge

Info + registration at this link

Required for SysgenX.

Happening in July.

ALL: submit abstract.

JB: Make VTK a soft dependency

VTK wheels are not available on some platforms.

DH: netcdf is like HDF5, so it itself is not required by Firedrake, but by Gusto.

JB: Move to output folder.

JB: Progress on RTree

PR closer to being merged. See libsupermesh and firedrake PRs for progress on our side.

JB: continue working with the firedrake branch.

CW: Status of "backend" for adjoint

See relevant issue. Surely "backend" is a redundant concept now?

Yes. Someone needs to replace all backend with whatever.

expunge vectors in adjoint -> use Cofunctions.

expunge Function.vector -> suggest using PETSc.vec or

JB: Firedrake team

Add Daiane to "Active" and move Sophia to "Former". We should make sure we are not forgetting anyone else either!

DID: Do this adding her own photo.

NB: Interp

  • Firedrake PR

  • Pyadjoint PR

Documentation is failing.

DH: probably just take "optional" out?

Merge PRs

Note that PRs put in this section should either be trivial or already have been reviewed. Discussion-worthy PRs should be separate agenda items.

JB: #3152 Firedrake public interface to GC + PyOP2#712 this has been reviewed and iterated several times.

Date of next meeting

1600 GMT (1600 UTC) 2024-01-24