Firedrake meeting 2023 10 25 - firedrakeproject/firedrake GitHub Wiki

Date and time 2023-10-25 16:00 BST (1500 UTC)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (RNH to pick minuter)
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. JB: Move pyop3 and FInAT to firedrakeproject
  4. ALL: do things with SV's branches
  5. DH: Email to Andreas to have 2 (+ others!!!) loopy PRs merged
  6. DH: Get Firedrake a docker open source account (link here)
  7. DH: Talk to GregVernon about PR#2116.
  8. DH: Revisit PR#2484.
  9. DH: Order more Firedrake stickers
  10. ALL/ANY: Drop libsupermesh (minutes)?
  11. PB: Spectral on triangles and tetrahedra?


Present: CW, JB, KN, DH, PB, RH, NB, FA, DD


New docstring and typehint policy

Read more here:

Docstring policy was discussed at the meeting. The code must follow PEP8 and PEP257(where PEP257 does not conflict numpydoc). DH agreed with the policy docstring text.


The work with libersupermesh is advancing. JB is working on the arch platform.

Zenodo canary fails in GitHub action

JB is going to disable Zenodo Canary.

Merge PRs

  • PB: #3181 Cofunction coarsening.

    This PR requires PB review.

  • PB: #3159 Re-injection of coefficients; no-op for unmodified dat.

    This PR depends on the anterior PR (3181). It was not reviewed once the previous PR required changes.

  • PB: #3164 Make tests basis-independent.

    This PR still requires trivial changes.

  • JB: #3041 FML.


  • KS: #3174 VOM touch up.

    This PR discussed the concepts, it was not reviewed.

Date of next meeting

1600 GMT (1600 UTC) 2023-11-01