Firedrake meeting 2023 09 20 - firedrakeproject/firedrake GitHub Wiki

Date and time 2023-09-20 16:00 BST (1500 UTC)

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (RNH to pick minuter)
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. JB: Move PyOP2 and FInAT to firedrakeproject (update!)
  4. ALL: do things with SV's branches
  5. DH: Email to Andreas to have 2 (+ others!!!) loopy PRs merged
  6. DH: Get Firedrake a docker open source account (link here)
  7. DH: Talk to GregVernon about PR#2116.
  8. DH: Revisit PR#2484.


Present: JB, RNH, DH, MK, CW, DD, KS, IM, NB


Move repos update

PyOP3 to go into firedrakeproject

Comments on DefElement

DefElement now compares implementations of Finite Elements between Fiat and other sources.

JB: Need to merge Tom Bendall's update of Firedrake BDMC PR

I didn't have sufficient permission

Brought up during Gusto hackathon. Safe to merge FIAT branch- done. FInAT also done. JB merging in master to retrigger tsfc tests - to be reviewed again.

(Later in meeting) All tests passing, to be merged.

JB: Scheduled GH Actions time out after something like 60 days of inactivity

Noticed this when the website wasn't being updated automatically. I think this keepalive workflow would work for us. This is largely a reminder for me to do this, but bringing it to everyone's attention: Rebuilding the website currently requires a manual step

JB to do this

NB: Dualspace PRs


NB to :

  • make copy work for Cofunction.
  • change uses of vector to dat where possible.
  • Remove case for a ConstantValue in a dual space



CW: Homebrew Python seems to be broken

We are failing to install on some machines as the latest homebrew Python cannot programmatically create a venv. It's weird. I have been asking users to install with pyenv instead and even written a wiki article explaining how. Should we recommend pyenv instead of homebrew on the website?

Use 3.11 as example to enable users copypasting.

Merge PRs

Small bug, added as a comment.


CW to resolve conflicts.

Date of next meeting

1600 BST (1500 UTC) 2023-09-27