Firedrake meeting 2022 12 07 - firedrakeproject/firedrake GitHub Wiki

Date and time 2022-12-07 16:00UTC

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (CW to pick minuter)
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. DH: Organise Firedrake 2022 (Chartering a coach, events apart from talks?)
  4. JB: A Firedrake manual
  5. JB: Python 3.11
  6. All: Go through TSFC PRs
  7. JB: Move PyOP2 and FInAT to firedrakeproject
  8. ALL: do things with SV's branches
  9. KS: Fix checkpointing error with pickling elements
  10. DRS: Fix ROL/pyadjoint versioning issues with Angus Gibson


Present: JB, KS, CW, NB, RK, RNH, DH


Firedrake 2022

Transport: Try to set up a coach starting from Imperial that will go through different places to collect people. Return on Friday afternoon.

Departure time: 8-9 am since we probably want to be there by 1pm (travel time: 4h30)

JB: Move PyOP2 and FInAT to firedrakeproject

This should be fine, github will move the PRs, issues, etc. automatically.

ALL: do things with SV's branches

Notes on Sophia's code:

-> Someone that knows enough about the branches should take this over

UFL update

  • Need to merge FEniCS master: Make a UFL branch merging fenics master and a firedrake branch linked to the UFL branch to check that we don't break anything.

  • Fix the accidental merge of a PR into Firedrake UFL and not in FEnICS UFL -> We can take it out. The concern being that people might be using it.

JB: Issues and new wiki section

JB has been closing a bunch of issues. JB and CW have made a policy section in the wiki about closing installation issues and python version support

Merge PRs

Allow for Q and DQ on hexahedral meshes (except dS integrals): Approved. Comments have been addressed -> ready to go

Periodic extrusion: Reviewed. Add TorusMesh and AnnulusMesh functions + some docs

Date of next meeting

1600 UTC 2022-12-14