Copy with color codes - fiendish/aardwolfclientpackage GitHub Wiki
(Allows you to copy text from the main output with Aardwolf color codes inserted in the right places.
How do I use it?
When you select text from the main output, use Ctrl+D instead of Ctrl+C to capture color codes while copying.
If, for example, you selected the following output:
Ctrl+C would result in
Zcrim stops holding Aylorian Academy portal.
Zcrim holds The Head of Medusa in his hand.
And Ctrl+D would result in
@wZcrim stops holding @YAylorian @CAcademy @Wportal@w.
@wZcrim holds The @RH@read @wof @GM@gedusa@w in his hand.@w
Will it also copy xterm 256 colors?
Yes. xterm color support is provided for this plugin automatically by the special color code handler included in the package.