Messaging - fidransky/kiv-pia-labs GitHub Wiki


  • learn about messaging and application events
  • pass message from application to message broker and back
  • finish streaming WS API implementation

Terms and theory


Generally, messaging is a programming technique allowing us to add indirection to our source code. Instead of making service A call service B directly, we can make service A produce messages and service B consume messages. The part sitting in between, actually handling message delivery is called a message broker (aka message queue, MQ).

This is publish-subscribe messaging model in practice. Effectively, there may be many modules producing messages and many modules consuming them - which is not always desirable. Most message brokers provide two message delivery strategies:

  1. topic - each produced message is delivered to all subscribed consumers (possibly multiple times)
  2. queue - each produced message is delivered to one subscribed consumer (possibly multiple times)

The strategy determines the destination that messages are published to and consumed from. Additionally to consuming messages sent to a pre-determined destination, message brokers also allow consumers to specify destinations with wildcards. See Artemis documentation for examples.


Message brokers use protocols for communication with its clients (publishers, subscribers) and there's many of them available (MQTT, STOMP, OpenWire, ...). Fortunately, message brokers usually support all of them and allow us to mix and match protocols used by all parties - use MQTT for publishers, STOMP for subscribers and leave it up to the message broker to handle the differences.

Application events

Similarly to messaging in inter-service communication, most frameworks come with some support of application events allowing us to enjoy the same benefits within a single service (= application).

In Spring, we use ApplicationEventPublisher interface to publish events. On the other end, we use @EventListener annotation to listen for events.

While this technique surely helps to reduce code coupling, it doesn't scale. Since the events are only delivered in given application, they never reach past it. If there's multiple replicas of the same service, they can't access each other's events. You still need an external message broker for that.


1. Publish an event when a new damage is reported

Create a new DamageReportedEvent class as a wrapper of a new Damage.

Use DI to autowire ApplicationEventPublisher to DamageService.

Extend the DamageService.create method to use ApplicationEventPublisher to publish the DamageReportedEvent when damage is successfully created.

2. Listen for the event

Create a new @Service class with a single method accepting DamageReportedEvent as its only parameter. The name of the class and the method is not important.

Make the method log damage impaired user.

Make the method listen for DamageReportedEvent application events using @EventListener annotation.

3. Forward the reported damage to message broker

3.1 Start and explore ActiveMQ

Start ActiveMQ Artemis message broker using Docker:

Note the port mappings:

  • port 8161 serves broker management UI
  • port 61616 allows JMS connections

Go to http://localhost:8161 and explore the broker management UI.

3.2 Configure JMS

Add org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-artemis dependency to pia-labs-core module.

Configure JMS connection using Spring Boot properties:


3.3 Send message using JmsTemplate

Extend your MessageListener class to autowire JmsTemplate bean.

Use JmsTemplate.convertAndSend method to forward the reported damage to the message broker with destination set to kiv.pia.labs.damage.{damageId} (replace the damageId with actual value).

Now, JmsTemplate fails to send the message because it cannot be serialized. To fix it, make all the classes Serializable.

3.4 Try that it works

With the message broker running in Docker, open its management UI at http://localhost:8161.

Start your app as usual and report some damage - either via UI or WS API.

Go to http://localhost:8161/console/artemis/artemisQueues and check that some queues were created and there are some messages enqueued.

4. Consume messages and pass them to streaming WS API


This step is not updated for the 2024/2025 course.

4.1 Add WebSocket support for GraphQL WS API

Add org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-websocket dependency to bikesharing-graphql-api module.

4.2 Extend core to support message streaming

Add messageSink property to the Room domain class. This is a Reactive data type serving as both message sink and message emitter:

private final Sinks.Many<Message> messageSink = Sinks.many().multicast().onBackpressureBuffer();

Add a new streamMessages method to the Room domain class returning the messageSink.

Add a new streamRoomMessages method to the RoomService class. Implement it similarly to the getRoomMessages method but call the newly created Room.streamMessages method instead.

4.3 Update WS API endpoints to actual stream messages

Update streamRoomMessages method (annotated with @SubscriptionMapping) in GraphQLController to use the newly implemented RoomService.streamRoomMessages method.

Update streamRoomMessages method in MessageController to use the newly implemented RoomService.streamRoomMessages method.

4.4 Try that it works

With both the message broker and the application running, open GraphiQL at http://localhost:8080/pia-labs/spring/graphiql.

Run following GraphQL query with roomId variable set to ID of your choice:

subscription streamRoomMessages($roomId: ID!) {
  streamRoomMessages(roomId: $roomId) {

5. Check examples on how to use messaging in UI



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