WoW Retail Realm Population - ff14-advanced-market-search/saddlebag-with-pockets GitHub Wiki
Credits to for providing population data.
This was added mid-dragonflight, I'll update this one day.
id | realmNames | popBlizz | popWoWProgress | rankWoWProgress |
3676 | ["Area 52"] | 3 | 37919 | 2 |
57 | ["Illidan"] | 3 | 32069 | 1 |
60 | ["Stormrage"] | 3 | 29761 | 9 |
3725 | ["Frostmourne", "Dreadmaul", "Thaurissan", "Jubei'Thos", "Gundrak"] | 3 | 20663 | 2 |
11 | ["Tichondrius"] | 3 | 19990 | 6 |
61 | ["Zul'jin"] | 3 | 19595 | 5 |
3678 | ["Thrall"] | 3 | 18643 | 7 |
3684 | ["Mal'Ganis"] | 3 | 18405 | 4 |
1427 | ["Ragnaros"] | 3 | 16227 | 13 |
76 | ["Sargeras"] | 3 | 15843 | 8 |
5 | ["Proudmoore"] | 3 | 14884 | 14 |
3209 | ["Azralon"] | 3 | 13439 | 12 |
1428 | ["Quel'Thalas"] | 3 | 13083 | 20 |
3683 | ["Dalaran"] | 3 | 11524 | 18 |
3723 | ["Barthilas"] | 2 | 9647 | 15 |
73 | ["Bleeding Hollow"] | 2 | 8496 | 11 |
1175 | ["Trollbane", "Grizzly Hills", "Malfurion", "Lothar", "Kael'thas", "Gnomeregan", "Moonrunner", "Ghostlands"] | 2 | 7020 | 30 |
3675 | ["Moon Guard"] | 3 | 6743 | 19 |
3726 | ["Khaz'goroth", "Aman'Thul", "Dath'Remar"] | 2 | 6363 | 25 |
3721 | ["Caelestrasz", "Nagrand", "Saurfang"] | 2 | 6236 | 29 |
3661 | ["Hyjal"] | 2 | 5790 | 16 |
86 | ["Silvermoon", "Skywall", "Terenas", "Hydraxis", "Drak'thul", "Borean Tundra", "Mok'Nathal", "Shadowsong"] | 2 | 5730 | 37 |
104 | ["Malygos", "Garona", "Lightning's Blade", "Icecrown", "Onyxia", "Burning Blade"] | 2 | 5617 | 22 |
162 | ["Emerald Dream"] | 2 | 5509 | 17 |
1171 | ["Wyrmrest Accord"] | 2 | 5478 | 26 |
1136 | ["Aegwynn", "Gurubashi", "Bonechewer", "Hakkar", "Garrosh", "Daggerspine"] | 0 | 5456 | 47 |
1129 | ["Agamaggan", "Kargath", "Burning Legion", "Thunderhorn", "The Underbog", "Blade's Edge", "Archimonde", "Norgannon", "Jaedenar"] | 2 | 5062 | 33 |
1168 | ["Cairne", "Cenarius", "Frostmane", "Tortheldrin", "Ner'zhul", "Korgath", "Perenolde"] | 2 | 4771 | 28 |
96 | ["Eonar", "Skullcrusher", "Gul'dan", "Zuluhed", "Ursin", "Andorhal", "Black Dragonflight", "Velen", "Scilla"] | 2 | 4657 | 38 |
1185 | ["Sen'jin", "Dunemaul", "Maiev", "Bloodscalp", "Quel'dorei", "Boulderfist", "Stonemaul"] | 2 | 4625 | 39 |
84 | ["Dragonmaw", "Uldum", "Akama", "Korialstrasz", "Eldre'Thalas", "Mug'thol", "Antonidas"] | 2 | 4596 | 32 |
3693 | ["Kel'Thuzad"] | 2 | 4485 | 21 |
77 | ["Azgalor", "Thunderlord", "Destromath", "Blood Furnace", "Mannoroth", "Nazjatar", "Azshara"] | 0 | 4445 | 40 |
127 | ["Firetree", "Drak'Tharon", "Rivendare", "Vashj", "Spirestone", "Malorne", "Frostwolf", "Stormscale"] | 2 | 4104 | 27 |
121 | ["Azjol-Nerub", "Muradin", "Nordrassil", "Blackrock", "Khaz Modan"] | 2 | 3972 | 31 |
53 | ["Hellscream", "Gorefiend", "Spinebreaker", "Zangarmarsh", "Wildhammer", "Eredar"] | 3 | 3918 | 43 |
67 | ["Elune", "Laughing Skull", "Auchindoun", "Cho'gall", "Gilneas"] | 1 | 3816 | 45 |
55 | ["Whisperwind", "Dentarg"] | 1 | 3577 | 24 |
9 | ["Kil'jaeden"] | 1 | 3375 | 23 |
3694 | ["Lightbringer"] | 1 | 3373 | 60 |
52 | ["Alleria", "Exodar", "Medivh", "Khadgar"] | 2 | 3244 | 34 |
1425 | ["Drakkari"] | 0 | 3074 | 61 |
113 | ["Suramar", "Windrunner", "Darrowmere", "Draka"] | 1 | 2837 | 52 |
1138 | ["Chromaggus", "Nathrezim", "Smolderthorn", "Anub'arak", "Arathor", "Garithos", "Drenden", "Crushridge"] | 1 | 2777 | 46 |
160 | ["Staghelm", "Dawnbringer", "Madoran", "Azuremyst"] | 1 | 2662 | 54 |
1426 | ["Aerie Peak"] | 1 | 2259 | 42 |
125 | ["Shadow Council", "Sisters of Elune", "Cenarion Circle", "Blackwater Raiders"] | 1 | 2158 | 48 |
106 | ["Aggramar", "Fizzcrank"] | 3 | 2151 | 44 |
3208 | ["Nemesis", "Tol Barad"] | 0 | 2143 | 80 |
71 | ["Warsong", "Gorgonnash", "The Forgotten Coast", "Balnazzar", "Alterac Mountains", "Undermine", "Anvilmar"] | 3 | 1881 | 41 |
63 | ["Durotan", "Ysera"] | 0 | 1733 | 56 |
69 | ["Arthas"] | 0 | 1665 | 53 |
1190 | ["Baelgun", "Doomhammer"] | 0 | 1630 | 64 |
64 | ["Bloodhoof", "Duskwood"] | 0 | 1611 | 65 |
155 | ["Kalecgos", "Shattered Halls", "Executus", "Deathwing"] | 0 | 1515 | 36 |
3685 | ["Turalyon"] | 0 | 1500 | 51 |
163 | ["Maelstrom", "Twisting Nether", "Lightninghoof", "The Venture Co", "Ravenholdt"] | 0 | 1491 | 62 |
12 | ["Silver Hand", "Thorium Brotherhood", "Farstriders"] | 0 | 1457 | 68 |
1184 | ["Vek'nilash", "Nazgrel", "Nesingwary"] | 0 | 1457 | 63 |
118 | ["Feathermoon", "Scarlet Crusade"] | 0 | 1300 | 77 |
54 | ["Blackhand", "Galakrond"] | 0 | 1279 | 67 |
158 | ["Greymane", "Tanaris"] | 0 | 1190 | 71 |
78 | ["Magtheridon", "Anetheron", "Ysondre", "Altar of Storms"] | 0 | 1174 | 35 |
157 | ["Dark Iron", "Shattered Hand", "Coilfang", "Demon Soul", "Dalvengyr"] | 0 | 1173 | 50 |
100 | ["Earthen Ring"] | 0 | 1153 | 57 |
1151 | ["Rexxar", "Misha"] | 0 | 1126 | 79 |
154 | ["Detheroc", "Dethecus", "Lethon", "Blackwing Lair", "Shadowmoon", "Haomarush"] | 0 | 1069 | 49 |
1147 | ["Kul Tiras", "Bladefist"] | 0 | 1056 | 58 |
115 | ["Draenor", "Echo Isles"] | 0 | 1054 | 72 |
114 | ["Dragonblight", "Fenris"] | 0 | 1038 | 73 |
151 | ["Runetotem", "Uther"] | 0 | 1030 | 66 |
47 | ["Eitrigg", "Shu'halo"] | 0 | 974 | 78 |
99 | ["Llane", "Arygos"] | 0 | 967 | 59 |
75 | ["Argent Dawn", "The Scryers"] | 0 | 951 | 69 |
1070 | ["Alexstrasza", "Terokkar"] | 0 | 932 | 76 |
58 | ["Stormreaver"] | 0 | 895 | 10 |
4 | ["Kilrogg", "Winterhoof"] | 0 | 801 | 55 |
117 | ["Bronzebeard", "Shandris"] | 0 | 799 | 70 |
120 | ["Darkspear"] | 0 | 714 | 83 |
1072 | ["Ravencrest", "Uldaman"] | 0 | 673 | 81 |
3207 | ["Goldrinn"] | 0 | 669 | 75 |
1071 | ["Kirin Tor", "Steamwheedle Cartel", "Sentinels"] | 0 | 657 | 74 |
3234 | ["Gallywix"] | 0 | 249 | 82 |
id | realmNames | popBlizz | popWoWProgress | rankWoWProgress |
1403 | ["Draenor"] | 3 | 31374 | 6 |
3391 | ["Silvermoon"] | 3 | 29768 | 12 |
1084 | ["Dentarg", "Tarren Mill"] | 3 | 27051 | 4 |
1305 | ["Kazzak"] | 3 | 25593 | 3 |
3674 | ["Twisting Nether"] | 3 | 22021 | 2 |
1390 | ["Hyjal"] | 3 | 19283 | 20 |
3691 | ["Echsenkessel", "Blackhand", "Mal'Ganis", "Taerar"] | 3 | 19201 | 10 |
1615 | ["Howling Fjord", "\u0420\u0435\u0432\u0443\u0449\u0438\u0439 \u0444\u044c\u043e\u0440\u0434"] | 3 | 18798 | 1 |
1602 | ["Gordunni", "\u0413\u043e\u0440\u0434\u0443\u043d\u043d\u0438"] | 3 | 14330 | 22 |
1379 | ["Zul'jin", "Uldum", "Sanguino", "Shen'dralar"] | 3 | 14027 | 14 |
1329 | ["Ravencrest"] | 3 | 13209 | 24 |
580 | ["Blackmoore", "Tichondrius", "Lordaeron"] | 3 | 13169 | 13 |
3682 | ["Ragnaros"] | 3 | 12438 | 9 |
3686 | ["Antonidas"] | 3 | 12273 | 26 |
581 | ["Blackrock"] | 3 | 11198 | 5 |
3702 | ["Argent Dawn"] | 3 | 10195 | 25 |
604 | ["Thrall", "Kargath", "Ambossar"] | 3 | 9972 | 16 |
1092 | ["Drak'thul", "Burning Blade"] | 2 | 9256 | 8 |
3713 | ["Al'Akir", "Skullcrusher", "Xavius", "Burning Legion"] | 2 | 8959 | 21 |
1621 | ["Marecage de Zangar", "Cho'gall", "Eldre'Thalas", "Sinstralis", "Dalaran"] | 2 | 8337 | 27 |
2073 | ["Stormscale"] | 2 | 8157 | 15 |
1335 | ["Ysondre"] | 2 | 7127 | 11 |
1402 | ["Turalyon", "Doomhammer"] | 0 | 6919 | 19 |
3692 | ["Eredar"] | 2 | 6413 | 23 |
1604 | ["Soulflayer", "\u0421\u0432\u0435\u0436\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0442\u0435\u043b\u044c \u0414\u0443\u0448"] | 2 | 5907 | 17 |
1597 | ["Auchindoun", "Dunemaul", "Sylvanas", "Jaedenar"] | 2 | 5877 | 18 |
1096 | ["Scarshield Legion", "Sporeggar", "Earthen Ring", "Defias Brotherhood", "Ravenholdt", "Darkmoon Faire", "The Venture Co"] | 2 | 5714 | 33 |
1303 | ["Grim Batol", "Aggra (Portugues)", "Frostmane"] | 2 | 5539 | 30 |
1302 | ["Archimonde"] | 2 | 5347 | 28 |
1587 | ["Hellfire", "Runetotem", "Arathor", "Kilrogg", "Nagrand"] | 2 | 5291 | 36 |
1316 | ["Nemesis"] | 1 | 4900 | 28 |
1378 | ["Dun Modr", "C'Thun"] | 2 | 4868 | 42 |
1596 | ["Karazhan", "Dragonblight", "The Maelstrom", "Ghostlands", "Lightning's Blade", "Deathwing"] | 2 | 4445 | 43 |
1127 | ["Confrerie du Thorium", "La Croisade ecarlate", "Culte de la Rive noire", "Les Sentinelles", "Kirin Tor", "Les Clairvoyants", "Conseil des Ombres"] | 2 | 4407 | 31 |
1309 | ["Pozzo dell'Eternita", "Well of Eternity"] | 0 | 4405 | 37 |
1396 | ["Quel'Thalas", "Azjol-Nerub"] | 1 | 4263 | 38 |
633 | ["Kor'gall", "Executus", "Shattered Hand", "Bloodfeather", "Terokkar", "Saurfang", "Darkspear", "Burning Steppes"] | 2 | 4081 | 32 |
3681 | ["Magtheridon"] | 1 | 3505 | 45 |
1416 | ["Blade's Edge", "Eonar", "Vek'nilash", "Aerie Peak", "Bronzebeard"] | 1 | 3407 | 69 |
1401 | ["Garrosh", "Shattrath", "Nozdormu", "Perenolde", "Teldrassil"] | 2 | 3334 | 63 |
3656 | ["Spinebreaker", "Dragonmaw", "Vashj", "Stormreaver", "Haomarush"] | 1 | 3297 | 7 |
1405 | ["Todeswache", "Zirkel des Cenarius", "Der Mithrilorden", "Forscherliga", "Der Rat von Dalaran", "Die Nachtwache"] | 2 | 3163 | 40 |
1301 | ["Outland"] | 2 | 3144 | 52 |
3690 | ["Khaz Modan"] | 0 | 2830 | 67 |
1315 | ["Elune", "Varimathras"] | 1 | 2812 | 44 |
1929 | ["Blackscar", "Deathweaver", "Borean Tundra", "Thermaplugg", "Grom", "Booty Bay", "\u041f\u0438\u0440\u0430\u0442\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f \u0411\u0443\u0445\u0442\u0430"] | 2 | 2804 | 51 |
1099 | ["Rexxar", "Alleria"] | 1 | 2636 | 57 |
1122 | ["Uldaman", "Drek'Thar", "Krasus", "Eitrigg"] | 1 | 2575 | 39 |
1098 | ["Malygos", "Malfurion"] | 1 | 2523 | 46 |
3696 | ["Nethersturm", "Alexstrasza", "Madmortem", "Proudmoore"] | 1 | 2512 | 68 |
1408 | ["Norgannon", "Dun Morogh"] | 0 | 2503 | 53 |
2074 | ["Terenas", "Emerald Dream"] | 0 | 2388 | 47 |
1105 | ["Nazjatar", "Zuluhed", "Dalvengyr", "Aman'Thul", "Frostmourne", "Anub'arak"] | 1 | 2345 | 56 |
578 | ["Arthas", "Blutkessel", "Wrathbringer", "Durotan", "Kel'Thuzad", "Vek'lor", "Tirion"] | 1 | 2329 | 58 |
3703 | ["Frostwolf"] | 1 | 2210 | 35 |
612 | ["Nefarian", "Gilneas", "Destromath", "Ulduar", "Mannoroth", "Gorgonnash", "Nera'thor"] | 1 | 2123 | 78 |
1598 | ["Shattered Halls", "Chromaggus", "Sunstrider", "Balnazzar", "Talnivarr", "Ahn'Qiraj", "Daggerspine", "Laughing Skull", "Trollbane", "Boulderfist"] | 0 | 2121 | 55 |
1925 | ["Eversong", "\u0412\u0435\u0447\u043d\u0430\u044f \u041f\u0435\u0441\u043d\u044f"] | 0 | 2019 | 84 |
570 | ["Lothar", "Baelgun", "Azshara", "Krag'jin"] | 1 | 1993 | 48 |
1121 | ["Die Arguswacht", "Die ewige Wacht", "Die Todeskrallen", "Das Syndikat", "Der abyssische Rat", "Kult der Verdammten", "Das Konsortium", "Die Silberne Hand"] | 1 | 1906 | 60 |
1313 | ["Wildhammer", "Thunderhorn"] | 0 | 1883 | 70 |
3657 | ["Genjuros", "Zenedar", "Bladefist", "Neptulon", "Frostwhisper", "Darksorrow"] | 0 | 1810 | 64 |
1307 | ["Chamber of Aspects"] | 0 | 1786 | 75 |
509 | ["Garona", "Sargeras", "Ner'zhul"] | 0 | 1692 | 34 |
1384 | ["Tyrande", "Los Errantes", "Colinas Pardas"] | 1 | 1677 | 77 |
1104 | ["Anetheron", "Kil'jaeden", "Rajaxx", "Festung der Sturme", "Gul'dan", "Nathrezim"] | 0 | 1619 | 50 |
512 | ["Arak-arahm", "Rashgarroth", "Kael'thas", "Throk'Feroth"] | 0 | 1601 | 49 |
3666 | ["Shadowsong", "Aszune"] | 0 | 1564 | 82 |
1325 | ["Aggramar", "Hellscream"] | 0 | 1561 | 66 |
1614 | ["Galakrond", "Deepholm", "Razuvious", "\u0420\u0430\u0437\u0443\u0432\u0438\u0439"] | 1 | 1542 | 76 |
1417 | ["Azuremyst", "Stormrage"] | 0 | 1452 | 41 |
1388 | ["Lightbringer", "Mazrigos"] | 0 | 1439 | 87 |
1928 | ["Goldrinn", "Lich King", "Greymane", "\u041a\u043e\u0440\u043e\u043b\u044c-\u043b\u0438\u0447"] | 0 | 1400 | 61 |
1082 | ["Kul Tiras", "Alonsus", "Anachronos"] | 0 | 1343 | 85 |
1385 | ["Exodar", "Minahonda"] | 0 | 1294 | 90 |
1393 | ["Bronze Dragonflight", "Nordrassil"] | 0 | 1255 | 54 |
1085 | ["Moonglade", "Steamwheedle Cartel", "The Sha'tar"] | 0 | 1245 | 65 |
1406 | ["Arygos", "Khaz'goroth"] | 0 | 1219 | 74 |
3679 | ["Aegwynn"] | 0 | 1141 | 59 |
1400 | ["Un'Goro", "Sen'jin", "Area 52"] | 0 | 1103 | 86 |
1080 | ["Khadgar", "Bloodhoof"] | 0 | 1090 | 88 |
1097 | ["Ysera", "Malorne"] | 0 | 1063 | 83 |
510 | ["Vol'jin", "Chants eternels"] | 0 | 1010 | 79 |
1618 | ["Die Aldor"] | 1 | 1008 | 71 |
1091 | ["Emeriss", "Twilight's Hammer", "Bloodscalp", "Crushridge", "Agamaggan", "Hakkar"] | 0 | 972 | 80 |
1623 | ["Fordragon", "\u0414\u0440\u0430\u043a\u043e\u043d\u043e\u043c\u043e\u0440"] | 0 | 876 | 91 |
1331 | ["Suramar", "Medivh"] | 0 | 839 | 73 |
531 | ["Dethecus", "Theradras", "Onyxia", "Mug'thol", "Terrordar"] | 0 | 805 | 72 |
1922 | ["Azuregos"] | 0 | 781 | 62 |
1923 | ["Ashenvale", "\u042f\u0441\u0435\u043d\u0435\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u043b\u0435\u0441"] | 0 | 622 | 81 |
1624 | ["Naxxramas", "Arathi", "Illidan", "Temple noir"] | 0 | 448 | 89 |
1605 | ["Deathguard", "\u0421\u0442\u0440\u0430\u0436 \u0421\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438"] | 0 | 365 | 92 |