Getting item names - ff14-advanced-market-search/saddlebag-with-pockets GitHub Wiki
Option 1: Universalis URL
At the end of every url for every item on universalis there is a number, for example using Orange Juice we can see it id is 4745
because orange juice has the url:
Option 2: item name list
go here hit control + f
and then search this json file for the item you want, there will be the item id next to the name
Option 3: build an id_to_item.json file with python
All item names are found here:
All marketable items are found here:
To get replace the ids_to_item file with new ones do:
import requests, json
raw_items_names = requests.get("").json()
item_ids = requests.get('').json()
marketable_names = {}
for id in item_ids:
marketable_names[str(id)] = raw_items_names[str(id)]["en"]
with open('id_to_item.json','w') as writeData:
json.dump(marketable_names, writeData, indent=2)