uberstrikeProtocol - festivaldev/Paradise GitHub Wiki

uberstrike:// Protocol

Inspired by the steam:// protocol, UberStrike can now be launched through Windows Run (Windows + R) to open a specific page or directly connect to a server.

Open a specific page on launch

To open a specific page when launching UberStrike, run uberstrike://open/<page>, with <page> obviously being the page you would like to open.

Page Description
play Opens the server browser.
stats Opens the Profile page showing your personal statistics.
shop Opens the shop.
inbox Opens your inbox of direct player messages.
clans Opens the clan management, or if you're not in a clan, the clan creation prompt.
training Opens the Explore Maps menu.
chat Opens the lobby chat.

Connecting to a server

To connect to a server, players need the Game Server IP where a room is hosted, and the room's ID. You can copy a game's share link while in a room using the Pause menu and clicking Copy game link.
Players can also join using Game Announcement messages on Discord (if enabled by a server operator).

A game link looks like this:
uberstrike://connect/<GameServer IP>/<Room ID>

If a game is protected using a password, players will be prompted to enter it once the game launches. There is no way to supply a password before launching UberStrike.

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