ServerTrayApplication - festivaldev/Paradise GitHub Wiki

Tray Application

The tray application is used to manage the Web Services running as a Windows service, where obviously no user interface is available.
You can use it to start or stop the HTTP server, individual services or manage the database connection in case you need to open the database in LiteDB Studio.

Starting the Tray Application

The tray application can be started by launching Paradise.WebServices.exe with the -c (or --console) parameter.
If the Web Services are not running when starting the tray application, you will get an error message that it cannot connect to the Web Services. Once the Web Services are running, you can connect manually by clicking the tray icon → Connect to Web Services.

Managing Services

In the "Services" menu, you can start, stop or restart each service individually, or all at once. Every service currently registered with the Web Services applications (eg. through plugins) will be listed alongside its API level.

Managing the Database

If for whatever reasone you need to open the database in LiteDB Studio while Web Services are running, you will most likely run into an error that the Paradise database is currently in use by another process. In that case, you can disconnect from the database quickly via the "Database" menu.
Please note however that disconnecting from the database will break a lot of things and might even lead to unexpected crashes, so doing this in a highly crowded production environment is not recommended.

Managing the HTTP Server

The HTTP server responsible for providing map thumbnails, flags and other images, as well as client updates, can be temporarily disabled via the "HTTP Server" menu.

Running Console Commands

In a typical production environment, the Web Services would be running as a Windows service, which means you don't have access to the console to run commands. By clicking "Open Console", you can spawn a console window in which you can run each and every command that is available as if you would be running the Web Services in console mode.

Viewing Logs

The most recent log file can be opened by clicking "Open Log". By default, it will be opened in whichever application is set to handle .txt files.