ServerCommands - festivaldev/Paradise GitHub Wiki


The following is a list of commands you can execute in the Web Services console, the ingame lobby chat, or (if enabled) the Discord channel linked for chat integration.

ℹ️ The minimum required rank of each command is only used if the command is executed from outside the Web Services console.

Some commands take a username as a parameter. Usernames are case-insensitive and can be just a part of a player's name (like exam for ExamplePlayer). Be sure to run critical commands with usernames as precisely as possible. You may not want to ban an innocent player by accident.


Bans a player for a specified duration.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Moderator


ban <name> <duration> <reason>

The player with the username name will be banned for duration minutes. If duration is 0, the player will be permanently banned. If reason is specified, it will be shown on the player's screen, alongside when the ban will expire. The player will also be disconnected from any Realtime server immediately.


Controls the LiteDB database instance.

Aliases db
Minimum Rank Admin


database close

Saves the database and closes the instance. The database can only be closed if it's already open. If you need to access the database using LiteDB Studio, you need to close the database first. Otherwise you will get an error that the database is currently in use.

database open

Opens a new database instance. The database can only be opened if it's not currently opened. If you connected to the database using LiteDB Studio, you need to disconnect from it first. Otherwise you will get an error that the database is currently in use.

database reload

Reloads the current database instance.


Resets a user's permission level.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Admin


deop <name>

If a player's current permission level is any other than Default, it will be reset to Default again. While the player might still see ingame functionality that came with the previous permission level, these features will no longer work for the player. The next time this player launches the game, all visual hints of this extended functionality will be gone.


Adds or removes items from a player's inventory.

Aliases inv
Minimum Rank SeniorModerator


inventory give <name> <item>

An item with the ID item will be added to the inventory of player name. Players currently ingame will need to click "Refresh" in the shop or relaunch their game to see the changes.

inventory give <name> <item>

An item with the ID item will be added to the inventory of player name if it's not in their inventory already.
Players currently ingame will need to click "Refresh" in the shop or relaunch their game to see the changes.

inventory take <name> <item>

An item with the ID item will be removed from the inventory of player name if it's currently in their inventory. If they have it in the current loadout, the item will be removed from there too.
Players currently ingame will need to click "Refresh" in the shop or relaunch their game to see the changes.

inventory set <name> <slot> <item>

Sets a specific slot slot to an item with the ID item in the inventory of player name. The item to be set must be in the inventory of player name. Players currently ingame will need to click "Refresh" in the shop or relaunch their game to see the changes.

Inventory Slots


Sets a user's permission level.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Admin
Valid permission levels
Default 0
QA 3
Moderator 4
SeniorQA 6
SeniorModerator 7
Admin 10


op <name> <level>

Sets a player's current permission level to a higher or lower level. To reset their permissions to default, use the deop command instead. Players will need to relaunch their game to get access to extended ingame functionality (such as the "Moderate" menu).


Lists players.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Moderator


players list

Lists players that are currently online.

players list-all

Lists all known players.

players search <pattern>

Searches a player by name, Cmid or Steam ID. Partial matches are supported. Search patterns must contain at least 3 characters.


List and manage game rooms.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Moderator


rooms list

List all rooms that are currently open.

rooms close <roomId>

Closes an open room roomId if it exists.


Manage server credentials.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Admin


server generate

Generates credentials for a new server. Required if you want to have a multi-server setup. See Setting up Multi-Server for more information.


Allows starting and stopping of services.

Aliases svc
Minimum Rank Admin


service status

Display the current status of all known services.

service start <name>

Attempts to start a service named name.

service stop <name>

Stops a service named name.

service restart <name>

Restarts a service named name.

service start-all

Attempts to start all known services.

service stop-all

Stops all known services.

service restart-all

Restarts all known services.


Unbans a player.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Moderator


unban <name>

If a player with the username name is currently banned (that is, the ban expiry time is still in the future), the ban will be removed from the database and the player can connect to the server again.


Manages credits and points in a player's wallet.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Moderator


Wallet Info

wallet info <name>

Shows the current status of a player's wallet.


ℹ️ Credits are the ex-premium currency that players could only earn by spending real money (or, in earlier versions of UberStrike, watching ads)

wallet credits add <name> <amount>

amount credits will be added to the wallet of the player with the username name.

wallet credits remove <name> <amount>

amount credits will be removed from the wallet of the player with the username name.


ℹ️ Points are the common ingame currency players can receive by playing.

wallet points add <name> <amount>

amount points will be added to the wallet of the player with the username name.

wallet points remove <name> <amount>

amount points will be removed from the wallet of the player with the username name.


Increases or decreases a player's level.

Aliases -
Minimum Rank Moderator


xp give <name> <amount>

Adds the specified amount of experience to increase a player's level.
Players currently ingame will need to finish a game round or relaunch their game to see the changes.

xp take <name> <amount>

Removes the specified amount of experience to decrease a player's level.
Players currently ingame will need to finish a game round or relaunch their game to see the changes.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️