ClientConfiguration - festivaldev/Paradise GitHub Wiki

Client Configuration

This is a list of available client options, which can be configured in <path to UberStrike>\UberStrike_Data\Paradise.Settings.Client.xml.
You should only ever need to edit this config file if you intend to play on any server other than the official Paradise server(s), or if you decide to disable Discord Rich Presence or automatic updates.

Key Type Default Description
EnableDiscordRichPresence bool true Toggles Discord Rich Presence integration within UberStrike.
WebServiceBaseUrl string The URL for the client to connect to the Web Services.
If connecting to a server other than localhost, you need to enter its IP or FQDN, followed by the port and the API Level.
  • 1.0.1 → 4.3.8/4.3.9
  • 1.0.2 →
  • 2.0 → 4.7.1
WebServicePrefix string UberStrike.DataCenter.WebService.CWS. The prefix used for web service names.
WebServiceSuffix string Contract.svc The suffix used for web service names.
ImagePath string The URL for the client to download map thumbnails and server flags.
If connecting to a server other than localhost, you need to enter its IP or FQDN, followed by the port.
AutoUpdates bool true Used for enabling/disabling automatic updates. If false, a message will remind players that updates are currently disabled.
UpdateChannel string Stable1 The channel to check for updates. If an invalid channel is specified, Stable will be used instead.
UpdateUrl string The URL for the client to download updates from, usually the same host as ImagePath but with /updates appended.
If connecting to a server other than localhost, you need to enter its IP or FQDN, followed by the port and the path to be used for updates.
[1] Allowed values for UpdateChannel
  • Stable
  • Beta
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