Map downloads - fermigas/ltvt GitHub Wiki
Information on displaying lunar maps in LTVT.
The sectional versions of the Quadrant Maps from the System of Lunar Craters, representing the IAU lunar nomenclature circa 1964-1968. The format of these maps is that of south-up zero-libration Earth-based views. The following files can be used to add a calibrated set of these images to your hard drive using the LTVT Image Grabber.
- SLC_Calibration_data.txt -- LTVT calibrations (8 kb; rev. 9 Jun 2008)
- SLC_URL_list.txt -- URL list (4 kb; rev. 23 Feb 2009)
The 22 sectional maps from Neison (1876) were an important component in developing the modern IAU lunar nomenclature. An example of using them can be found in the LPOD Photo Gallery Here are the data necessary for downloading and displaying copies of them with LTVT:
- Neison_calibration_data.txt -- LTVT calibrations (5 kb; rev. 16 June 2009)
- Neison_URL_list.txt -- URL list (2 kb; rev. 16 June 2009)
Note: the following map series can be downloaded using the provided URL lists and the LTVT Image Grabber. They can all be displayed from within LTVT, but calibration data is not provided because they are normally loaded using the Files...Load an LAC/LTO chart... menu. The procedure takes only a few seconds and there is (at present) no facility for remembering how to reload the maps in a later run. Note also that there are other resolution versions available on the LPI website and LTVT can display whichever ones you choose to download. The 150 dpi versions seem a good compromise between file size and resolution.
USGS_Geologic_Maps_of_Moon_URL_list.txt -- URL list for downloading 150 dpi versions of Geologic Atlas of the Moon maps. (5 kb; rev. 9 Jun 2008)
- Note: the Geologic Atlas of the Moon uses a different map numbering system than the other series. For ease of identification, this list directs the LTVT Image Grabber to save them to disk with the LAC Zone preceding the USGS map number.
- LAC_URL_list.txt -- URL list for downloading 150 dpi versions of Lunar Astronautical Charts series. (4 kb; rev. 9 Jun 2008)
- LM_URL_list.txt -- URL list for downloading 150 dpi versions of Lunar Map series (post-Apollo updated LAC maps). (2 kb; rev. 9 Jun 2008)
- AIC_URL_list.txt -- URL list for downloading 150 dpi versions of Apollo Intermediate Chart series (pre-Apollo LAC details). (4 kb; rev. 9 Jun 2008)
- LTO_URL_list.txt -- URL list for downloading 150 dpi versions of Lunar Topographic Orthophotomap series (19 kb; rev. 9 Jun 2008)
- Topophotomap_URL_list.txt -- URL list for downloading 150 dpi versions of Topophotomap series (4 kb; rev. 9 Jun 2008)
This page has been edited 5 times. The last modification was made by - JimMosher on Jun 16, 2009 1:51 pm