Lunar Photo Links - fermigas/ltvt GitHub Wiki
This page is under construction. It provides links to websites with Earth-based lunar photos, ideally ones for which the date, time and observer location can be determined.
Maurice Collins observations + many very creative uses of LTVT
AstronoMinsk imagers Yuri Goryachko, Konstantin Morozov, and Mikhail Abgarian
National Astronomical Observatory (Japan)
Richard Bosman times rarely given
Damian Peach no times given
Harald Paleske (News page - recent additions)
Jim Ferreira times rarely given
Wes Higgins dates but only some times
Thierry Legault
Thierry Legault
Bruno Daversin no times given
Jérôme Grenier no times given
Jérôme Grenier no times given
Jérôme Grenier no times given
Jérôme Grenier new
Martin Elsasser thin crescents
Mond Atlas large collection -- no dates or times
Chris Schur no times given
Alexandre Csutoros broken
Rik Hill
Rik Hill Questar Moon
Paolo Baldoni and Cristina Cellini
Cristina Cellini & Fiorenzo Mazzotti
Paolo Lazzarotti
Paolo Lazzarotti - old
Gérard Therin no dates or times
Philippe Cambre no times given
Eric Ng no times given
António Cidadão few dates, no times
John S.Sussenbach times rarely given
Geert Vandenbulcke no times
Pekka Parviainen large collection, vague dates, no times
Dodi dates, but no times
IRIS Astrolab - ASTRID database (search Mann)
Slovenia Astrophotographers' Forum
Jean-Yves Letellier some dates, but no times
Jon Bosley - "near Waco TX" -- no dates or times
Ed Sampson occasional times
Philipp Salzgeber no times
Dave Tyler no times
Bruce Kingsley no times
B. A. Kingsley some times
PUJAT et CAZARD no times
Naoyuki Kurita phases
Francesco Badalotti -- Astronomico Langrenus, Cremona no times
Michael Morris no times
Mike White dates and times!
Celestron user image gallery
Rich Maruzzi (dates and times!)
Flickr Space And Weather Group
Flickr Celestial Watching Group
Flickr Lunar Landscapes Group
Flickr Moon/Luna Group
Flickr Just the Moon, Please Group
Flickr Moon lovers Group
Flickr Astrophotography Group
Paul Haese -- dates, but no times
Pedro Re -- dates, but no times
William McLaughlin (one large full disk image)
Albireo2006 dates and times!!
Torben Hansen date, times and locations!!
David Evans -- dates and times!
David Haworth -- phases series
Bruce Bowman - no times
Imaging Source (French)
Imaging Source (English)
Joe Roberts -- dates/no times
Kevin Sweeney -- dates and times!
Denis Fell -- dates and times!
Morio Higashida (Japanese) -- site posts photos of Moon almost every day, but no times given
Morio Higashida (English) -- small subset of Japanese site, no dates or times
AstroHome -- Chinese forum (Hong Kong)
Sebastien Leboutte dates and times (UT?)
Jocelyn Sérot dates and times !!
Robert Spellman "rays" with dates and times
Jacob Bassoe dates, but no times
Fabrice Morin dates, but no times
Arnaud van Kranenburg dates, but no times
Frank Brandl dates and times !!
William M. Dembowski dates and times !!
Johannes Schedler/Panther Observatory
Christophe Guillou dates and times !!
Christophe Guillou no dates
Ralf Gerstheimer dates and recent times !!
Nauyuki Kuhita dates and times !!
Eddie Trimarchi dates and times !!
Arend van der Salm no dates or times
Patrick Vermeer no dates or times
Emiel Kempen no dates or times
Arie Nagel no dates or times
Rob Kantelberg dates, no times
Theo Scholten dates, no times
Martin van Ingen dates, no times European amateur site directory
Tamas Ladanyi dates and times!
Tomek Lewandowski dates and times
Jezyckie Ovserwatorium Astronomiczne
AstronoMike.Net astrophoto collection
Association d'astronomie du sud Vendée
Peter Garbett dates and times!!
John C. Talbot dates but no times
Planetarium de Saint-Etienne Pic-du-Midi??
Guillaume Bertrand dates, no times
Société Astronomique de France
Marc Delcroix dates and times!
Thierry Demange no dates or times
Michel Desevaux no dates or times
Rolf Wahl Olsen dates and times!
Patrick Bornet dates, no times
Bernard Bayle dates, no times
Patrick Gressier dates and times!
- Patrick's Photographic Lunar Atlas
Cai-Uso Wohler dates and times!
Astronomische Gesellschaft Buchloe e.V.
"siegi252" dates and some times
Peter Heinzen dates and some times
Michael Schröder dates, no times
AstroArts Gallery dates and some times (Japanese magazine)
James Kevin Ty dates and times
Fabio Carvalho dates, some times
Fred Locklear dates and times
Daniele Gasparri dates, no times
John Boudreau dates and times
Ulrich Beinert dates and times
Chris Cook dates and times
Arne Danielsen dates, times and locations
Sean Walker and Sheldon Faworski (includes Don Parker) few dates, no time
K1 Observatory - Hedayatgaran Research Center
Thomas and Claudia Winterer (few dates)
Penn Kalet no dates or times
Jan Fremerey dates and times
This page has been edited 149 times. The last modification was made by - JimMosher on Jan 11, 2014 12:33 pm