Labeling All Features with Same Parent - fermigas/ltvt GitHub Wiki

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In the traditional (and IAU) scheme of lunar nomenclature there are a limit number of "primary" names, and many secondary names derived as variants of the primary names. The features with related names don't necessarily have any physical relationship to the primary or "parent" feature, but it sometimes seems interesting to map the locations of all features sharing a common origin. A typical example is the lettered craters, whose names consist of a "parent" name plus one (or very occasionally two) letters. The parent is typically a crater but it can be a feature of a different class. Likewise, features other than craters can adopt the name of a parent. For example, Rima Aristarchus near the crater Aristarchus.


  • The present function is invoked by right-clicking on any feature that appears to be a member of the family of interest in the image in the LTVT main window.
  • The program will identify and dot the feature closest to the mouse-click position, then add dots for all other features in the current Dot File that share the same parent name, using the current dot options.
  • It will then label all dots visible in the current view using the current labeling options.
  • Examples (click of thumbnails to see full-sized screenshots):
    • Plato and satellites, drawn on an image by the AstronoMinsk imagers:
      external image Plato_and_satellites_LTVT.JPG?size=64
    • Ptolemaeus and satellites, drawn on an image by Paolo Lazzarotti:
      external image Ptolemaeus_and_satellites_LTVT.JPG?size=64
    • Mons Hadley and satellites, drawn on an image by Paolo Lazzarotti (the feature labeled "C" is the lettered crater "Hadley C":
      external image Hadley_and_satellites_LTVT.JPG?size=64

This page has been edited 2 times. The last modification was made by - JimMosher JimMosher on Nov 15, 2008 4:48 pm

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