Earth texture - fermigas/ltvt GitHub Wiki
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Earth texture files are used for creating images of the Earth viewed from the Moon using a function available in the Tools Menu in the Main Screen.
- The Earth texture file must be an image file in (or converted to) JPG or Windows BMP format. BMP files are larger, but they usually load faster.
- The image must be in simple cylindrical projection, which means it encodes the surface intensity (and optionally color) in equal steps of longitude and latitude.
- It must also be in a format that spans the globe with limits of -180 to +180° from left to right and +90 to -90° from top to bottom.
- One possible Earth texture is provided on the program download page and is automatically included in the full (zipped) download package. This particular file is from the NASA Visible Earth website, which has many other Earth textures available, especially in the Blue Marble collection.
- There are many other Earth textures available on the web.
This page has been edited 1 times. The last modification was made by - JimMosher on Nov 22, 2008 7:36 pm