Useful Links (Tools, Models, Projects, Datasets, Simulators) - feliyur/exercises GitHub Wiki

Models / Paper Code

Name / Link Description License
DepthAnything Monocular depth prediction Apache 2.0
Patchwork++ Segment ground in Lidar measurement GPL-3.0


Name / Link Description License
latexify Compile python code into latex formulae MIT
dacite Instantiates a dataclass object using a dictionary (apparently, recursively) MIT
easydict, addict Attribute dict implementations in python LGPL-v3.0, MIT respectively
Open3D Library for visualization and manipulation of 3D data. MIT
Compiler Explorer Compile and run C++ code online
KDbg graphical debugging interface GPL-2.0


Name \ Link Description
CamVid Motion-based Segmentation and Recognition Dataset
Make3D Range image dataset
NYU Depth Indoor Segmentation and Support Inference from RGBD Images
CityScapes Semantic Understanding of Urban Street Scenes
KITTY Outdoor driving datasets / vision benchmark suite. 3D Object Benchmark
Pascal3D+ Massive 3D Object detection and pose estimation
Dubrovnik6K Location recognition in urban outdoors
DeepLoc large-scale urban outdoor localization dataset
CambridgeLandmarks Localization, collected for PoseNet, using smartphone. Includes images, camera poses and Sfm reconstructions.
Cars Dataset Stanford Cars Dataset. 16,185 images of 196 classes of cars
ModelNet collection of 3D CAD models for objects, some annotated with orientation
SUN Dataset Object detection, scene recognition. Collection of annotated images covering a large variety of environmental scenes, places and the objects within.
BigBIRD 3D Database of Object Instances. 125 objects, images, RGB-D point clouds, pose information and segmentation, reconstructed meshes.
TUM RGB-D Dataset Kinect data. Color and depth images of a Microsoft Kinect sensor along the ground-truth trajectory of the sensor. Indoors.
Matterport3D Indoor environments, RGB-D, segmentation
Active Vision Dataset "simulation of motion for object instance recognition in real-world environments" - RGB-D images, bounding boxes.
Objectron Object-centric video clips with 3d detections and ground truth poses.
ScanNet RGB-D (indoor) video dataset annotated with 3D camera poses, surface reconstructions, and instance-level semantic segmentations.
SceneNet Photorealistic synthethic indoor trajectories with ShapeNet objects.
ShapeNet Richly-annotated, large-scale dataset of 3D shapes.
Oxford RobotCar RGB, Lidar, Radar
Driving Video Datasets
BDD100K and BDD Annotated driving videos from Berkeley.
Small Datasets
Alderley Day/Night Dataset Day/night street videos for the same route, with frame correspondences.


Name \ Link Description Popularity Accessed Date
AI2-THOR Photorealistic Interactive Environments for AI Agents, indoors, photorealistic, interactive, physics. Documentation. 1 Nov 2020
VizDoom Doom-based AI Research Platform for Reinforcement Learning from Raw Visual Information 1 2018
OpenAI Gym A toolkit (and environments) for developing and comparing reinforcement learning algorithms 1 2018
House3D "Based on" Princeton's SUNCG. Has depth annotation and semantic labels. 1 2018
G2D Allows collecting images and depth along a specified track in GTA V environment. Requires buying GTA for ~40$ (e.g. from STEAM). Windows only. Similar project DeepGTAV 1 2018
DeepMind Lab 3D environments, prefer speed over realism 1 2018
AirSim Open source simulator for autonomous vehicles built on Unreal Engine / Unity, from Microsoft AI & Research, outdoor 2 2018
ESIM Event camera simulator. Based on ROS. Very limited in input format as is, input either from UnrealCV or rendering of scene file (.obj). 1 2018
Carla Autonomous driving simulator. Reasonably realistic 1 Feb 2019
EuroPilot Python interface for autonomous driving simulator, based on Euro Truck 2 (technically, captures screent output, so can be used with any game) 1 Feb 2019

Mapping / SLAM

Name \ Link Description License Note
OmniMapper SLAM framework build on top of ROS + gtsam MIT-like From Henrik Christensen's group.
COLMAP Structure-from-Motion (SfM) and Multi-View Stereo (MVS) pipeline (Schönberger, Pollefeys, Frahm) BSD (Commercial)
Hydra Scene graph construction / semantic mapping. MIT From Luca Carlone's group