0. Introduction - feathers-nuxt/template-app GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the feathers-nuxt template-app wiki!

feathers + nuxt = feathers-nuxt

This organization contains tools and libraries created for integrating feathers and nuxt. It aims to provide a production ready template for full stack apps while making development easier.

The philosophy of feathers-nuxt is enabling fast paced prototyping, development and deployment of scalable enterprise grade applications based on feathers and nuxt. It is this philosophy that guides the choice of technology stack used by feathers-nuxt.

This wiki provides a guide for the architecture of full stack applications using feathers and nuxt. This repo provides a template for a feathers-nuxt application with the following features out of the box:

  • Client code structuring using nuxt integrated with feathers client for server access at frontend.
  • Server code structuring using feathers integrated with nuxt for SSRing client at the backend.
  • npm scripts for developing, packaging and continuous deployment of app and features.
  • CLI for scaffolding fresh feathers-nuxt app in a separate package (feathers-nuxt/cli)