Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King - farmerbb/RED-Project GitHub Wiki

Disney Classic Games: Aladdin and The Lion King contains various versions of Aladdin and The Lion King for the Game Boy, SNES and Sega Genesis, as well as various bonus content. The collection can be purchased on Steam and GOG.

All of the games that come in this collection can be extracted, including the exclusive "Final Cut" version of Aladdin for the Sega Genesis.

ROM Extraction Instructions

1. Download and install QuickBMS, as well as this extraction script.

2. Run QuickBMS. When it prompts you to select a BMS script to open, select the sf30_mbundle.bms script.

3. After selecting the script, a second open dialog will appear asking you to "select input archives/files". Browse to your Disney Classic Games installation, browse into the "Bundle" folder, select all three files ending in ".mbundle" and press Open.

4. A third dialog box will appear asking for a location to save the extracted files, browse to whatever directory you wish to extract the files to, and click Save.

5. QuickBMS will run for a few seconds, extracting the contents of the .mbundle files. After it's finished, browse to the directory you chose to save the extracted files to.

6. The extracted ROMs will have file extensions of .bin, .gb and .sfc. Sort the list of files by type, then scroll to where the .bin, .gb and .sfc are located and move them elsewhere. Once all the ROMs are moved out, you can safely delete the remaining extracted files.

ROM List

Name System Verification
Aladdin Game Boy none
The Lion King Game Boy none
Aladdin Sega Genesis none
Aladdin (CES Demo - Disney Classic Games) Sega Genesis none
Aladdin (Final Cut) Sega Genesis none
Aladdin (Japanese Version) Sega Genesis none
The Lion King Sega Genesis none
The Lion King SNES none
The Lion King (Japanese Version) SNES none

NOTE: Three additional files, "agb_boot.bin", "cgb_boot.bin", and "dmg_boot.bin" are also extracted. These are open-source clones of the Game Boy boot ROMs used by the SameBoy emulator. You may keep these files if you wish, or safely delete them as they can always be redownloaded again as part of the SameBoy emulator.

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