Castlevania Anniversary Collection - farmerbb/RED-Project GitHub Wiki

The Castlevania Anniversary Collection contains several different Castlevania titles for the Game Boy, NES, SNES and Sega Genesis, as well as various bonus content. The collection can be purchased on Steam here.

All of the games that come in this collection can be extracted. (The English localization of Kid Dracula, exclusive to the compilation, requires extraction of some additional SRAM data.)

ROM Extraction Instructions

  1. Download and install .NET Core from

  2. Download MArchiveBatchTool from one of these links:

  1. Extract the zip file and copy alldata.bin and alldata.psb.m from your Castlevania Anniversary Collection install into the extracted directory.

  2. Now, open up a command prompt (or shell) inside the MArchiveBatchTool folder, and run this command:


MArchiveBatchTool.exe fullunpack --keep alldata.psb.m zlib 25G/xpvTbsb+6 64


./MArchiveBatchTool fullunpack --keep alldata.psb.m zlib 25G/xpvTbsb+6 64
  1. When finished, the ROMs will be located inside of the "alldata.psb.m_extracted\system\roms" folder.

Kid Dracula Save Data

In order for Kid Dracula to be playable on standard NES emulators, an additional file containing SRAM data for the game needs to be extracted.

  1. Download the Swiss File Knife program:
  1. Assuming you've followed the ROM extraction steps above, navigate to the "alldata.psb.m_extracted\073\script" directory and copy the Swiss File Knife program here.
  • Additional step for Linux: Rename the "sfk-linux-64.exe" file to "sfk" and mark the file as executable.
  1. Run the following command:


sfk.exe filter title_standalone.nut -skipfirst=107 -head=363 +hextobin kid-dracula.sav


./sfk filter title_standalone.nut -skipfirst=107 -head=363 +hextobin kid-dracula.sav
  1. You will end up with an SRAM save file, "kid-dracula.sav", to use when playing the extracted Kid Dracula ROM.

DAT File
