Arcade Game Series - farmerbb/RED-Project GitHub Wiki

The Arcade Game Series is a collection of four standalone arcade games released on Steam by Namco. Dig Dug, Galaga, and Pac-Man (together known as the 3-in-1 Pack) can be purchased on Steam here and can be extracted for play using MAME. Ms-Pac Man is also available for purchase on Steam, but a usable ROM cannot be extracted from it at this time.

ROM Extraction Instructions

These instructions are for a Debian-based Linux distro. For Windows, follow these instructions using WSL.

  1. Install any prerequisites required to run the extraction scripts:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install wget zip
  1. Download the Arcade Game Series extraction script:
chmod +x ./
  1. Run the extraction script:
./ <path-to-dll-file>

(where <path-to-dll-file> is the path to either Release_0.dll, Release_1.dll, or Release_3.dll, which can be found in the "Plugins" folder inside each Arcade Game Series data folder in your Steam installation.

The extracted ROMs will be available in the same directory that you ran the script in.


  • Ms. Pac-Man cannot be extracted in a playable state at this time. If you wish to extract this game anyway, run the script with the -a parameter at the end.

List of Extractable Games


  • Dig Dug (revision 1)
  • Galaga
  • Pac-Man