Windows Recovery - farhansadik/windows-machine-backup GitHub Wiki

How to update windows MBR ? This document is written for every newbie to Linux. When you install any linux distro it normally installs GRUB(grand universal boot loader) into your MBR! Now what is MBR - Master Boot Record. In short and sweet manner: it's your disk's first sector which says which Operating system to load. Now when you uninstall your Linux just by deleting linux partition, you cant either boot your windows !! Here is how you can fix this.

  1. First boot your Windows 7/vista Installation disk.
  2. Select your language and so on.
  3. Click on repair your computer and then open COMMAND PROMPT
  4. Now type following command: bootsect.exe /nt60 sys /force
  5. Your MBR will be updated.
  6. Now just restart your computer and you will see Windows 7/Vista is booting.
  7. For more info on BOOTSECT.EXE Type bootsect /? in command prompt. If any problem exists shoot comments.

Happy Recovery.

This method is not tested!!