Install Windows 11 on Virtual Box - farhansadik/windows-machine-backup GitHub Wiki

Windows 11 in Virtual Box

  1. Type Microsoft Windows
  2. Version Windows 11 (64-bit)
  3. Memory Size 4096 MB
  4. Virtual Disk Image size 20 GB

Bypass TPM/Secure boot

  1. When you see the Blue Windows Setup screen press Shift + F10

    This will open a command prompt

  2. Create registry keys

    1. In the command prompt, type regedit and press enter.
    2. Navigate to the following path in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup
    3. Right-click and create a new key: LabConfig
    4. Open the key LabConfig and create the DWORD 32bit values below. Set the data to 1 for each value. – BypassTPMCheck – BypassRAMCheck – BypassSecureBootCheck

How to Install Windows 11 in VirtualBox — LazyAdmin