Feature List - fangruz114/Lizuvia GitHub Wiki
Feature List
Lizuvia, an e-commerce platform, is a website for users/companies to list their home furnitures and decoration products, receive feedback on improvements on the products and services, for users/customers to place order for the products.
1. New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login
- Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
- Users can use a demo login to try the site.
- Users can't use certain features without logging in (like add to cart, edit cart, leave a review, checkout).
- Logged in users are directed to the products which lists all products for purchases.
- Logged out users are directed to the product listing page.
2. Hosting on Heroku
3. Products
- Logged in users can add a new product.
- Logged in users can edit and delete their own product listings.
- All users can view product list page and detailed product page.
4. Orders
- Logged in users can checkout and purchase products.
- Logged in users can edit and cancel the order within 5 hours after they place the order.
- Logged in users can view all the order history and order details.
5. Reviews
- Logged in users can write reviews for the products they purchased.
- Logged in users can edit and delete the reviews they wrote.
- All users can view reviews for each products.
6. Search && Sort
- All users can search products by entering keywords in the search bar.
- all users can sort the product list by prices or launch time.
7. Production README
- Brief explanation of what the app is and does.
- How to start development environment
- Technologies used
- Link to live site
- Link to Wiki docs
- Discussion of two features that show off technical abilities
- Discussion of both challenges faced and the way I solved them
- Code snippets to highlight the best code
8. Bonus Features
- Logged in users can favor and un-favor the products, and see their favorite products in their profile page
- Logged in users can upload images to their product list and reviews they wrote. Images will be hosted by AWS S3 Service.