资源库 - fang5566/uBlock GitHub Wiki
- 资源库的当前未修订版本 ↪
- 常规目的小脚本
- Defuser 小脚本
- Empty redirect resources
- URL-specific sanitized redirect resources
- 其他
- 术语表
- 大多数脚本都依赖于
properties (methods),所以最好不要修改这些脚本(你需要知道你在什么)。 - 如未指定,"string/regular expression" 参数中的“可选参数”默认为 "catch all" (
)。 - "string" 参数表示普通字符或单词,引号 will be taken literally, commas must be escaped in regex literals:
- "regular expression" 参数表示 JavaScript 正则表达式
- mime type 如未出现则为
abort-current-inline-script.js ↪
该脚本用于中止执行内联脚本 (throws ReferenceError
element 的内容与指定文本或 regular expression 匹配时尝试访问指定的 property。
- 必需参数:property (用
连接的 property 链),附属于我们要中断的<script>
标签内所访问的 window object - 可选参数:匹配
element 中的内容的 string/regular expression
abort-on-property-read.js ↪
中止执行脚本 (throws ReferenceError
),发生情况是尝试读取指定的 property,如为写入则忽略。
- 必需参数:property (用
连接的 property 链),附加到 window object
abort-on-property-write.js ↪
中止执行脚本 (throws ReferenceError
),发生情况是尝试写入指定的 property。
- 必需参数:property (用
连接的 property 链),附加到要被覆盖的 window object
addEventListener-defuser.js ↪
阻止附带事件监听器(event listeners)。
- 可选参数:string/regular expression 及事件监听器的名称
- 可选参数:在字符串化 (stringified)句柄函数里匹配的 string/regular expression
addEventListener-logger.js ↪
cookie-remover.js ↪
Removes current page cookies specified by name. For current domain, wildcard (dot) subdomain, current and /
path, script accessible (HttpOnly=false), on load and before unload.
Caveats: cookies set for higher level domain will not be removed. For example, if current page domain is www.example.com
, cookies set for example.com
will not be removed.
- optional, string/regular expression, matching in the name of the cookie
csp.js ↪
已被 $csp
通过插入 <meta http-equiv=Content-Security-Policy content="*directive*">
标签到 html <head>
element 使 CSP 生效。
更多内容参见 https://www.w3.org/TR/CSP2/#delivery-html-meta-element
- 必需参数:有效的 CSP(内容安全策略)规则
disable-newtab-links.js ↪
通过反激活带有 target
- 无
noeval.js ↪
阻止网页使用 eval()
silent-noeval.js ↪
阻止网页使用 eval()
noeval-if.js ↪
阻止网页使用 eval()
- 可选参数:string/regular expression、要与净负荷字符串匹配。
nowebrtc.js ↪
禁用 WebRTC,方式是通过阻止页面使用 RTCPeerConnection()
remove-attr.js ↪
移除 DOM 树节点的属性 (attribute)。该脚本仅在页面加载完成后运行一次。 参数:
- 必需参数:属性或用
连接的属性列表 - 可选参数:CSS 选择符、指定的其属性将被移除的节点
set-constant.js ↪
创建 property 并从可用的 property 集中初始化到预定义的值。
- 必需参数:property (用
连接的 property 链),附加到 window object - 必需参数:可用的值:
- 十进制的正整数,无正负号,最大值为 0x7FFF (32767)
- 预定义常数集中的一个值:
- body 为空的函数 -
- 返回 true 的函数 -
- 返回 false 的函数 -
- empty string2019-01-06
setInterval-defuser.js ↪
通过设置回调函数为 noop 来为指定的所匹配的回调函数和时间间隔去除 setInterval()
- 可选参数:在字符串化的回调函数里匹配的 string/regular expression
- 可选参数:与时间间隔匹配的十进制整数
setInterval-logger.js ↪
调用 setInterval()
setTimeout-defuser.js ↪
通过设置回调函数为 noop 来为指定的所匹配的回调函数和延迟去除 setTimeout()
- 可选参数:在字符串化的回调函数里匹配的 string/regular expression
- 可选参数:与延迟匹配的十进制整数
setTimeout-logger.js ↪
调用 setTimeout()
nano-setInterval-booster.js ↪
调整指定的 setInterval()
- 可选参数:在字符串化的回调函数里匹配的 string/regular expression
- 可选参数 - 与时间间隔匹配的十进制整数,默认为 1000
- 可选参数 - 时间间隔倍乘器(multiplier),默认为 0.05(20x 倍速),浮点,限制在上下 50 倍
nano-setTimeout-booster.js ↪
调整指定的 setTimeout()
- optional, string/regular expression, matching in stringified callback function
- optional - defaults to 1000, decimal integer, matching delay
- optional - default to 0.05 (20x faster), float, capped at 50 times for up and down, delay multiplier
sharedWorker-defuser.js ↪
已被 $csp
Defuses sharedWorker by passing empty worker file (Blob URL) for specified worker URLs
- optional, string/regular expression, matching in worker URL
window.open-defuser.js ↪
当 URL 积极或消极地匹配到指定字符串时阻止通过 window.open()
- optional - defaults to "matching", any positive number for "matching",
or any string for "not matching", - optional, string/regular expression, matching/not matching in URL parameter passed to
window.name-defuser ↪
清除 window.name
- 无
overlay-buster.js ↪
Experimental, gets rid of overlay dialogs, works for ~30s after page load. Preferred way to handle overlays is to use standard cosmetic filters and optionally style injection.
alert-buster.js ↪
Disables alert()
dialog boxes by redirecting messages to console.
ampproject.org/v0.js ↪
Removes animation (artificial 8s delay) added to desktop pages supporting AMP, when ampproject.org scripts are blocked.
fingerprint2.js ↪
Defuses Fingerprintjs2. Sanitize Fingerprint2
pornhub-popup-defuser.js ↪
Sets specific localStorage items (InfNumFastPops
, InfNumFastPopsExpire
forbes-defuser.js ↪
Fix '/forbes/welcome/' page redirection. Redirects to URL from toURL
bab-defuser.js ↪
Defuses BlockAdblock. Prevents executing of eval()
on sets of predefined payloads.
phenv-defuser.js ↪
Defuses "g0yav3-lab" Anti Adblock. TODO Deprecated, sets static properties (PHENV
sas-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, Convenience, sets static properties (Ads.display
, Ads.refresh
TODO: Convenience means "patches more than one property", I keep this here, not in "Other", just in case.
fuckadblock.js-3.2.0 ↪
Convenience, Sanitize FuckAdBlock
, BlockAdBlock
, SniffAdBlock
, fuckAdBlock
, blockAdBlock
, sniffAdBlock
Often used as redirect in network filters. TODO: copy to redirect?
lemonde-defuser.js ↪
Sets specific localStorage item (lmd_me_displayed
popads-dummy.js ↪
Convenience, sets static properties (PopAds
, popns
popads.net.js ↪
Convenience, abort-on-property-write.js (PopAds
, popns
), throws "magic
rtlfr-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated by :style()
cosmetic filter.
Applies overflow: auto
style to document body element after window load
uabinject-defuser.js ↪
Defuses Addefend, convenience, sets static properties (trckd
, uabpdl
, uabInject
, uabDetect
impspcabe-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, Convenience, sets static properties (_impspcabe
, _impspcabe_alpha
, _impspcabe_beta
, _impspcabe_path
) TODO: not used, static properties, cannot be set to about:blank
by sciptlets is this really needed, used on 4 domains
gpt-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, Convenience, sets static properties (_resetGPT
, resetGPT
, resetAndLoadGPTRecovery
, _resetAndLoadGPTRecovery
, setupGPT
, setupGPTuo
palacesquare.rambler.ru-defuser.js ↪
Aborts creation of Promise when executor content matches 'getRandomSelector' (throws Error
) TODO: Freezes Promise
adfly-defuser.js ↪
Defuses anti adblock on adfly shortened links.
damoh-defuser.js ↪
Fix for disappearing videos on chip.de
These are smallest/shortest/fastest to execute files. Can be used in network filters as a parameter to $redirect
option along with specific matching $type
They purpose is to mislead page to think that real files have been served.
TODO: filter types, mime types, this needs clarification TODO: how filter type relates to mime type, needs more source digging font, image, media, object, script, stylesheet, subdocument, xmlhttprequest
- Images
- Source code
- Media files
TODO: object and font resources are missing? Find discussion about adding them on demand.
addthis.com/addthis_widget.js ↪
amazon-adsystem.com/aax2/amzn_ads.js ↪
d3pkae9owd2lcf.cloudfront.net/mb105.js ↪
doubleclick.net/instream/ad_status.js ↪
google-analytics.com/ga.js ↪
google-analytics.com/analytics.js ↪
google-analytics.com/inpage_linkid.js ↪
google-analytics.com/cx/api.js ↪
googletagservices.com/gpt.js ↪
googletagmanager.com/gtm.js ↪
googlesyndication.com/adsbygoogle.js ↪
scorecardresearch.com/beacon.js ↪
widgets.outbrain.com/outbrain.js ↪
hd-main.js ↪
xvideos.com.js ↪
Along with Disqus click-to-load filter list, allows to have Click-to-ublock experience for Discus comments widgets.
twitch-videoad.js ↪
Twitch stream embedded ads bypasser
Deprecated by general purpose scriptlets / outdated
antiAdBlock.js ↪
Sanitize antiAdBlock.onDetected
, antiAdBlock.onNotDetected
pornhub-sanitizer.js ↪
Removes ad frames on Pornhub (block_logic
nr-unwrapper.js ↪
Fix memory leaks on spotify, newrelic. https://github.com/uBlockOrigin/uAssets/issues/36
gamespot.com.js ↪
Removed. Calls pf_notify
with false
parameter. Attempt to fix gamespot video player and image viewer.
sidereel.com.js ↪
Removed. Sets specific localStorage item (__trex
videowood.tv.js ↪
Removed. Sanitize adb_remind
after eval()
adf.ly.js ↪
Removed. Sanitize abgo
after eval()
golem.de.js ↪
Deprecated, addEventListener-defuser
trafictube.ro.js ↪
Deprecated, setInterval-defuser
uAssets-17 ↪
Deprecated, setTimeout-defuser
last.fm.js ↪
Deprecated, setTimeout-defuser
ytad-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, setTimeout-defuser, fix for YouTube "An error occured"
indiatimes.com.js ↪
Removed. addEventListener-defuser
trafictube.ro.js ↪
Removed. setInterval-defuser
bcplayer-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (bcPlayer.ads
wpredirect-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (TWP.Identity.initComplete
kissanime-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (DoDetect1
, DoDetect2
, isBlockAds2
__$dc-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (Math.mt_random
), throws TypeError
upmanager-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (upManager
r3z-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (_r3z.jq
, _r3z.pub
folha-de-sp.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (folha_ads
static.chartbeat.com/chartbeat.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (pSUPERFLY.activity
, pSUPERFLY.virtualPage
entrepreneur.com.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (analyticsEvent
ligatus.com/*/angular-tag.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (adProtect
, uabpdl
, uabDetect
openload.co.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (adblock2
, OlPopup
, preserve
, turnoff
imore-sanitizer.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (mbn_zones
smartadserver.com.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (SmartAdObject
, SmartAdServerAjax
, smartAd.LoadAds
, smartAd.Register
lesechos.fr.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (checkAdBlock
criteo.net.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (Criteo.criteo
goyavelab-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (_$14
figaro-defuser.js ↪
Deprecated, sets static properties (adisplaynormal
hindustantimes.com.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (canRun
bhaskar.com.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (canABP
indiatoday.intoday.in.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (adBlock
, checkAds
thesimsresource.com.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (gadsize
, iHaveLoadedAds
, OX
ndtv.com.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (___p_p
wetteronline.de.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (xq5UgyIZx
, doAbCheck
), throws TypeError
ideal.es.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (is_block_adb_enabled
livescience.com.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (tmnramp
lachainemeteo.com.js ↪
Removed. Sets static properties (pliga.push
: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Statements/throw -
: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/eval -
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/setInterval -
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/setTimeout) - regular expression: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Guide/Regular_Expressions#Writing_a_regular_expression_pattern
- element: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element
- property: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/property/JavaScript
- method: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Method