Debug Utility Extension - fallenblood7080/Unity-Extension-Method GitHub Wiki

DebugUtilityExtension Class


Log (string)

Writes a log message to the Unity console with the specified color and font size.


// Example: Log a message with default settings
"Hello, Unity!".Log();

// Example: Log a message with red color and font size 18
"Error!".Log(logColorCode: "ff0000", fontSize: 18);

General Syntax

string message = "Hello, Unity!";
message.Log(logColorCode, fontSize);


Parameter Data Type Description
message string The message to be written in the Unity Console.
logColorCode string Hex code of the color (default is white - "ffffff").
fontSize int Font size of the message (default is 12).

Method Description

This extension method logs a message to the Unity console with optional color and font size.

Log (T[])

Writes the elements of an array to the Unity console with the specified color and font size.


// Example: Log an array of integers with default settings
int[] numbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

// Example: Log an array of strings with red color and font size 18
string[] words = { "apple", "banana", "cherry" };
words.Log(logColorCode: "ff0000", fontSize: 18);

General Syntax

T[] array = { ... };
array.Log(logColorCode, fontSize);


Parameter Data Type Description
array T[] The array whose elements will be logged.
logColorCode string Hex code of the color (default is white - "ffffff").
fontSize int Font size of the message (default is 12).

Method Description

This extension method logs the elements of an array to the Unity console with optional color and font size.

Log (List)

Writes the elements of a List to the Unity console with the specified color and font size.


// Example: Log a List of floats with default settings
List<float> values = new List<float> { 1.0f, 2.5f, 3.7f };

// Example: Log a List of strings with red color and font size 18
List<string> names = new List<string> { "Alice", "Bob", "Charlie" };
names.Log(logColorCode: "ff0000", fontSize: 18);

General Syntax

List<T> list = new List<T> { ... };
list.Log(logColorCode, fontSize);


Parameter Data Type Description
list List The List whose elements will be logged.
logColorCode string Hex code of the color (default is white - "ffffff").
fontSize int Font size of the message (default is 12).

Method Description

This extension method logs the elements of a List to the Unity console with optional color and font size.


Draws the outline of a polygon in the Unity Scene view.


// Example: Draw a hexagon with a radius of 5 units
Vector3 center = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
center.DrawPolygon(radius: 5, orientation: Quaternion.identity, color: Color.white, vertices: 6);

General Syntax

Vector3 center = new Vector3(x, y, z);
center.DrawPolygon(radius, orientation, color, vertices, dur);


Parameter Data Type Description
center Vector3 Center of the polygon in 3D space.
radius float Radius of the polygon, representing the distance from the center to a vertex.
orientation Quaternion Orientation of the 2D shape in the world.
color Color Color of the outline.
vertices int Number of vertices to determine the shape's sides (e.g., 3 for a triangle, 4 for a square).
dur float Duration for which the polygon should appear in seconds.

Method Description

This extension method draws the outline of a polygon in the Unity Scene view.


Visualizes a 2D ray by drawing a line from the specified origin to the point where it hits an object.


// Example: Visualize a 2D ray hit with red color
RaycastHit2D rayHit = Physics2D.Raycast(origin, direction);
rayHit.VisualizeRay2D(origin, color:;

General Syntax

RaycastHit2D rayHit = Physics2D.Raycast(origin, direction);
rayHit.VisualizeRay2D(origin, color, dur);


Parameter Data Type Description
rayHit RaycastHit2D The RaycastHit2D result representing the intersection of the ray with an object.
origin Vector2 The starting point of the ray in 2D space.
color Color Color of the visualization line.
dur float Duration for which the visualization line should appear in seconds.

Method Description

This extension method visualizes a 2D ray hit by drawing a line in the Unity Scene view.


Visualizes a 3D ray by drawing a line from the specified origin to the point where it hits an object.


// Example: Visualize a 3D ray hit with green color
RaycastHit rayHit = Physics.Raycast(origin, direction);
rayHit.VisualizeRay(origin, color:;

General Syntax

RaycastHit rayHit = Physics.Raycast(origin, direction);
rayHit.VisualizeRay(origin, color, dur);


Parameter Data Type Description
rayHit RaycastHit The RaycastHit result representing the intersection of the ray with an object.
origin Vector3 The starting point of the ray in 3D space.
color Color Color of the visualization line.
dur float Duration for which the visualization line should appear in seconds.

Method Description

This extension method visualizes a 3D ray hit by drawing a line in the Unity Scene view.


Draws a straight line from the specified origin point to the end point with the given color.


// Example: Draw a line from (0,0,0) to (1,1,1) with blue color
Vector3 origin = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
Vector3 end = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
origin.DrawLineTo(end, color:;

General Syntax

Vector3 origin = new Vector3(x1, y1, z1);
Vector3 end = new Vector3(x2, y2, z2);
origin.DrawLineTo(end, color, dur);


Parameter Data Type Description
origin Vector3 The starting point of the line in 3D space.
end Vector3 The ending point of the line in 3D space.
color Color Color of the drawn line.
dur float Duration for which the line should be visible in seconds.

Method Description

This extension method draws a straight line in the Unity Scene view.


Draws a series of lines connecting the points in the provided array, creating a continuous path.


// Example: Draw a path from an array of points with yellow color
Vector3[] points = { new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 1), new Vector3(2, 0, 0) };
points.DrawLineFromPoints(color: Color.yellow);

General Syntax

Vector3[] points = { ... };
points.DrawLineFromPoints(color, dur);


Parameter Data Type Description
points Vector3[] An array of Vector3 points representing the path to be drawn.
color Color Color of the drawn lines.
dur float Duration for which the lines should be visible in seconds.

Method Description

This extension method draws a series of lines connecting points in the Unity Scene view.

DrawLineFromPoints (List)

Draws a series of lines connecting the points in the provided List, creating a continuous path.


// Example: Draw a path from a List of points with magenta color
List<Vector3> pointsList = new List<Vector3> { new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 1), new Vector3(2, 0, 0) };
pointsList.DrawLineFromPoints(color: Color.magenta);

General Syntax

List<Vector3> pointsList = new List<Vector3> { ... };
pointsList.DrawLineFromPoints(color, dur);


Parameter Data Type Description
pointsList List A List of Vector3 points representing the path to be drawn.
color Color Color of the drawn lines.
dur float Duration for which the lines should be visible in seconds.

Method Description

This extension method draws a series of lines connecting points in the Unity Scene view.


Draws a 3D sphere with the specified center, radius, orientation, color, and level of detail (segments).


// Example: Draw a sphere at the origin with a radius of 2 units and red color
Vector3 center = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
center.DrawSphere(radius: 2, orientation: Quaternion.identity, color:;

General Syntax

Vector3 center = new Vector3(x, y, z);
center.DrawSphere(radius, orientation, color, segments, dur);


Parameter Data Type Description
center Vector3 The center of the sphere in 3D space.
radius float The radius of the sphere, determining its size.
orientation Quaternion The orientation of the sphere as a Quaternion.
color Color The color of the sphere's outline.
segments int The number of segments used to approximate the sphere's surface (for smoother rendering).
dur float The duration for which the sphere should appear in seconds.

Method Description

This extension method draws a 3D sphere in the Unity Scene view.

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