Camera Extension - fallenblood7080/Unity-Extension-Method GitHub Wiki

CameraExtension Class


WorldToScreenPoint (Vector2)

Converts a 2D world point to a screen point based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 2D world point to a screen point
Vector2 worldPoint = new Vector2(2.0f, 3.0f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector2 screenPoint = worldPoint.WorldToScreenPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector2 result = worldPoint.WorldToScreenPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector2 The 2D world point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 2D world point to a screen point in pixels based on the specified camera's perspective.

WorldToScreenPoint (Vector3)

Converts a 3D world point to a screen point based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 3D world point to a screen point
Vector3 worldPoint = new Vector3(2.0f, 3.0f, 5.0f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector3 screenPoint = worldPoint.WorldToScreenPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector3 result = worldPoint.WorldToScreenPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector3 The 3D world point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 3D world point to a screen point in pixels based on the specified camera's perspective.

WorldToViewportPoint (Vector2)

Converts a 2D world point to a viewport point based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 2D world point to a viewport point
Vector2 worldPoint = new Vector2(2.0f, 3.0f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector2 viewportPoint = worldPoint.WorldToViewportPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector2 result = worldPoint.WorldToViewportPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector2 The 2D world point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 2D world point to a viewport point in normalized coordinates based on the specified camera's perspective.

WorldToViewportPoint (Vector3)

Converts a 3D world point to a viewport point based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 3D world point to a viewport point
Vector3 worldPoint = new Vector3(2.0f, 3.0f, 5.0f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector3 viewportPoint = worldPoint.WorldToViewportPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector3 result = worldPoint.WorldToViewportPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector3 The 3D world point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 3D world point to a viewport point in normalized coordinates based on the specified camera's perspective.

ScreenToWorldPoint (Vector3)

Converts a 3D screen point to a world point in the 3D scene based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 3D screen point to a world point
Vector3 screenPoint = new Vector3(100.0f, 200.0f, 0.5f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector3 worldPoint = screenPoint.ScreenToWorldPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector3 result = screenPoint.ScreenToWorldPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector3 The 3D screen point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 3D screen point in pixels to a world point in 3D space based on the specified camera's perspective.

ScreenToWorldPoint (Vector2)

Converts a 2D screen point to a world point in the 2D scene based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 2D screen point to a world point
Vector2 screenPoint = new Vector2(100.0f, 200.0f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector2 worldPoint = screenPoint.ScreenToWorldPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector2 result = screenPoint.ScreenToWorldPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector2 The 2D screen point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 2D screen point in pixels to a world point in 2D space based on the specified camera's perspective.

ScreenToViewportPoint (Vector3)

Converts a 3D screen point to a viewport point in normalized coordinates based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 3D screen point to a viewport point
Vector3 screenPoint = new Vector3(100.0f, 200.0f, 0.5f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector3 viewportPoint = screenPoint.ScreenToViewportPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector3 result = screenPoint.ScreenToViewportPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector3 The 3D screen point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 3D screen point in pixels to a viewport point in normalized coordinates based on the specified camera's perspective.

ScreenToViewportPoint (Vector2)

Converts a 2D screen point to a viewport point in normalized coordinates based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 2D screen point to a viewport point
Vector2 screenPoint = new Vector2(100.0f, 200.0f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector2 viewportPoint = screenPoint.Screen


General Syntax

Vector2 result = screenPoint.ScreenToViewportPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector2 The 2D screen point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 2D screen point in pixels to a viewport point in normalized coordinates based on the specified camera's perspective.

ScreenToRay (Vector3)

Creates a Ray originating from the specified screen point based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Create a Ray from a 3D screen point
Vector3 screenPoint = new Vector3(100.0f, 200.0f, 0.5f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Ray ray = screenPoint.ScreenToRay(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Ray result = screenPoint.ScreenToRay(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector3 The 3D screen point to create the Ray from.
cam Camera The Camera used for the Ray creation.

Method Description

This extension method creates a Ray originating from a 3D screen point in pixels based on the specified camera's perspective.

ViewportToScreenPoint (Vector3)

Converts a 3D viewport point in normalized coordinates to a screen point in pixels based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 3D viewport point to a screen point
Vector3 viewportPoint = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.8f, 0.5f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector3 screenPoint = viewportPoint.ViewportToScreenPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector3 result = viewportPoint.ViewportToScreenPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector3 The 3D viewport point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 3D viewport point in normalized coordinates to a screen point in pixels based on the specified camera's perspective.

ViewportToScreenPoint (Vector2)

Converts a 2D viewport point in normalized coordinates to a screen point in pixels based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 2D viewport point to a screen point
Vector2 viewportPoint = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.8f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector2 screenPoint = viewportPoint.ViewportToScreenPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector2 result = viewportPoint.ViewportToScreenPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector2 The 2D viewport point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 2D viewport point in normalized coordinates to a screen point in pixels based on the specified camera's perspective.

ViewportToWorldPoint (Vector3)

Converts a 3D viewport point in normalized coordinates to a world point in the 3D scene based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 3D viewport point to a world point
Vector3 viewportPoint = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.8f, 0.5f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector3 worldPoint = viewportPoint.ViewportToWorldPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector3 result = viewportPoint.ViewportToWorldPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector3 The 3D viewport point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 3D viewport point in normalized coordinates to a world point in 3D space based on the specified camera's perspective.

ViewportToWorldPoint (Vector2)

Converts a 2D viewport point in normalized coordinates to a world point in the 2D scene based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Convert a 2D viewport point to a world point
Vector2 viewportPoint = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.8f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Vector2 worldPoint = viewportPoint.ViewportToWorldPoint(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Vector2 result = viewportPoint.ViewportToWorldPoint(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector2 The 2D viewport point to convert.
cam Camera The Camera used for the conversion.

Method Description

This extension method converts a 2D viewport point in normalized coordinates to a world point in 2D space based on the specified camera's perspective.

ViewportToRay (Vector3)

Creates a Ray originating from the specified viewport point in normalized coordinates based on the specified camera's perspective.


// Example: Create a Ray from a 3D viewport point
Vector3 viewportPoint = new Vector3(0.5f, 0.8f, 0.5f);
Camera mainCamera = Camera.main;
Ray ray = viewportPoint.ViewportToRay(mainCamera);

General Syntax

Ray result = viewportPoint.ViewportToRay(cam);


Parameter Data Type Description
point Vector3 The 3D viewport point to create the Ray from.
cam Camera The Camera used for the Ray creation.

Method Description

This extension method creates a Ray originating from a 3D viewport point in normalized coordinates based on the specified camera's perspective.