AudioExtension - fallenblood7080/Unity-Extension-Method GitHub Wiki

Audio Extension

Extension Related to Unity's built-in Audio System

*Note: The following Extension method depends on EasingExtension



This extension method plays an AudioSource with a fade-in effect.


public AudioSource audioSource; // Assign your AudioSource in the Inspector

private float fadeInDuration = 1.0f;
private float targetVolume = 0.8f;

void Start()
    // Example: Play the AudioSource with a fade-in effect
    audioSource.PlayFadeIn(fadeInDuration, EaseType.EaseIn, targetVolume, OnFadeInCallback);

General Syntax

audioSource.PlayFadeIn(fadeDuration, easeType, targetVolume, OnFadeInComplete);


Parameter Data Type Description
audioSource AudioSource The AudioSource to play with the fade-in effect.
fadeDuration float The duration of the fade-in effect (in seconds).
easeType EaseType The type of easing to use for the fade-in animation.
targetVolume float The target volume to reach at the end of the fade-in (default is 1).
OnFadeInComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-in is complete.

Method Description

This method plays the specified AudioSource with a fade-in effect. The volume of the AudioSource is initially set to 0, and then it gradually increases to the specified targetVolume over the specified fadeDuration using the specified easing easeType.


// Play the AudioSource with a fade-in effect
audioSource.PlayFadeIn(1.0f, EaseType.EaseIn, 0.8f, OnFadeInCallback);

In this example, the PlayFadeIn method is used to play the audioSource with a fade-in effect. Adjust the parameter values according to your specific requirements.


This extension method stops an AudioSource with a fade-out effect.


public AudioSource audioSource; // Assign your AudioSource in the Inspector

private float fadeOutDuration = 1.0f;

void Start()
    // Example: Stop the AudioSource with a fade-out effect
    audioSource.StopFadeOut(fadeOutDuration, EaseType.EaseOut, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

General Syntax

audioSource.StopFadeOut(fadeDuration, easeType, OnFadeOutStart, OnFadeOutComplete);


Parameter Data Type Description
audioSource AudioSource The AudioSource to stop with the fade-out effect.
fadeDuration float The duration of the fade-out effect (in seconds).
easeType EaseType The type of easing to use for the fade-out animation.
OnFadeOutStart Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is started.
OnFadeOutComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is complete.

Method Description

This method stops the specified AudioSource with a fade-out effect. The volume of the AudioSource gradually decreases to 0 over the specified fadeDuration using the specified easing easeType.


// Stop the AudioSource with a fade-out effect
audioSource.StopFadeOut(1.0f, EaseType.EaseOut, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

In this example, the StopFadeOut method is used to stop the audioSource with a fade-out effect. Adjust the parameter values according to your specific requirements.


This extension method plays an AudioSource with a fade-out effect.


public AudioSource audioSource; // Assign your AudioSource in the Inspector

private float fadeOutDuration = 1.0f;

void Start()
    // Example: Play the AudioSource with a fade-out effect
    audioSource.PlayFadeOut(fadeOutDuration, EaseType.EaseOut, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

General Syntax

audioSource.PlayFadeOut(fadeDuration, easeType, OnFadeOutStart, OnFadeOutComplete);


Parameter Data Type Description
audioSource AudioSource The AudioSource to play with the fade-out effect.
fadeDuration float The duration of the fade-out effect (in seconds).
easeType EaseType The type of easing to use for the fade-out animation.
OnFadeOutStart Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is started.
OnFadeOutComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is complete.

Method Description

This method plays the specified AudioSource with a fade-out effect. The volume of the AudioSource gradually decreases to 0 over the specified fadeDuration using the specified easing easeType. Unlike StopFadeOut, this method does not stop the audio playback after fading out.


// Play the AudioSource with a fade-out effect
audioSource.PlayFadeOut(1.0f, EaseType.EaseOut, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

In this example, the PlayFadeOut method is used to play the audioSource with a fade-out effect. Adjust the parameter values according to your specific requirements.


This extension method plays an AudioSource with a fade-in followed by a fade-out effect.


public AudioSource audioSource; // Assign your AudioSource in the Inspector

private float fadeInDuration = 1.0f;
private float fadeOutDuration = 1.0f;
private float targetVolume = 0.8f;

void Start()
    // Example: Play the AudioSource with a fade-in followed by a fade-out effect
    audioSource.PlayFadeInOut(fadeInDuration, fadeOutDuration, EaseType.EaseIn, EaseType.EaseOut, targetVolume, OnFadeInCallback, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

General Syntax

audioSource.PlayFadeInOut(fadeInDuration, fadeOutDuration, fadeInEase, fadeOutEase, targetVolume, OnFadeInComplete, OnFadeOutStart, OnFadeOutComplete);


Parameter Data Type Description
audioSource AudioSource The AudioSource to play with the fade-in and fade-out effects.
fadeInDuration float The duration of the fade-in effect (in seconds).
fadeOutDuration float The duration of the fade-out effect (in seconds).
fadeInEase EaseType The easing type for the fade-in animation.
fadeOutEase EaseType The easing type for the fade-out animation.
targetVolume float The target volume to reach at the end of the fade-in (default is 1).
OnFadeInComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-in is complete.
OnFadeOutStart Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is started.
OnFadeOutComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is complete.

Method Description

This method plays the specified AudioSource with a fade-in effect followed by a fade-out effect. The volume of the AudioSource gradually increases to the specified targetVolume over the specified fadeInDuration using the specified easing fadeInEase. After the fade-in is complete, the volume then gradually decreases to 0 over the specified fadeOutDuration using the specified easing fadeOutEase.


// Play the AudioSource with a fade-in followed by a fade-out effect
audioSource.PlayFadeInOut(1.0f, 1.0f, EaseType.EaseIn, EaseType.EaseOut, 0.8f, OnFadeInCallback, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

In this example, the PlayFadeInOut method is used to play the audioSource with a fade-in effect followed by a fade-out effect. Adjust the parameter values according to your specific requirements.


This extension method plays a sequence of AudioSources with fade-in and fade-out effects, allowing for sequential playback.


public AudioSource[] audioSequence; // Assign your AudioSources in the Inspector

private float fadeInDuration = 2.0f;
private float fadeOutDuration = 1.5f;
private float targetVolume = 0.8f;

void Start()
    // Example 1: Basic usage without callbacks
    audioSequence.PlayAudioSequence(fadeInDuration , fadeOutDuration , EaseType.EaseIn, EaseType.EaseOut, shouldLoopSeq: true);

    // Example 2: With callbacks
    audioSequence.PlayAudioSequence(fadeInDuration , fadeOutDuration , EaseType.EaseIn, EaseType.EaseOut, targetVolume: targetVolume , OnFadeInComplete: OnFadeInCallback, OnFadeOutStart: OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutComplete: OnFadeOutCallback);

General Syntax

audioSequence.PlayAudioSequence(fadeInDuration, fadeOutDuration, fadeInEase, fadeOutEase, shouldLoopSeq, targetVolume, startingIndex, OnFadeInComplete, OnFadeOutStart, OnFadeOutComplete);


Parameter Data Type Description
audioSourceSeq AudioSource[] An array of AudioSources to play sequentially.
fadeInDuration float The duration of the fade-in effect for each AudioSource in the sequence (in seconds).
fadeOutDuration float The duration of the fade-out effect for each AudioSource in the sequence (in seconds).
fadeInEase EaseType The easing type for the fade-in animation.
fadeOutEase EaseType The easing type for the fade-out animation.
shouldLoopSeq bool Indicates whether the sequence should loop when it ends.
targetVolume float The target volume to reach at the end of the fade-in (default is 1).
startingIndex int The index of the AudioSource to start the sequence from (default is 0).
OnFadeInComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when each fade-in is complete.
OnFadeOutStart Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is started.
OnFadeOutComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when each fade-out is complete.

Method Description

This method plays a sequence of AudioSources with fade-in and fade-out effects. It starts by playing the AudioSource at the specified startingIndex with a fade-in effect, and upon completion, it triggers the optional OnFadeInComplete callback. After the fade-in, the method starts a coroutine to perform a fade-out effect on the same AudioSource, triggering the optional OnFadeOutStart callback. When the fade-out is complete, the optional OnFadeOutComplete callback is invoked. If the sequence reaches the end and shouldLoopSeq is set to true, it loops back to the beginning.


// Play a sequence of AudioSources with fade-in and fade-out effects
audioSequence.PlayAudioSequence(2.0f, 1.5f, EaseType.EaseIn, EaseType.EaseOut, shouldLoopSeq: true, targetVolume: 0.8f, OnFadeInComplete: OnFadeInCallback, OnFadeOutStart: OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutComplete: OnFadeOutCallback);

In this example, the PlayAudioSequence method is used to play a sequence of AudioSources with specified fade-in and fade-out durations, easing types, and optional callbacks. Adjust the parameter values according to your specific requirements.


This extension method plays a portion of an audio clip between specified start and end times using the provided AudioSource.


public AudioSource audioSource; // Assign your AudioSource in the Inspector

private float portionStart = 2.0f;
private float portionEnd = 5.0f;

void Start()
    // Example: Play a portion of the audio clip
    audioSource.PlayPortion(portionStart, portionEnd);

General Syntax

audioSource.PlayPortion(start, end);


Parameter Data Type Description
source AudioSource The AudioSource to play the portion on.
start float The start time of the portion (in seconds).
end float The end time of the portion (in seconds). If end is 0 or less than or equal to start, it is automatically set to the clip length.

Method Description

This method plays a specified portion of an audio clip using the provided AudioSource. If the end parameter is 0 or less than or equal to the start parameter, the end is automatically set to the clip length. The audio clip is then played starting from the specified start time to the calculated end time.


// Play a portion of the audio clip starting from 2 seconds to 5 seconds
audioSource.PlayPortion(2.0f, 5.0f);

In this example, the PlayPortion method is used to play a specific portion of the audio clip attached to the audioSource. Adjust the portionStart and portionEnd values according to your specific requirements.

PlayPortion with Fade

This extension method plays a portion of an audio clip between specified start and end times using the provided AudioSource, with optional fade-in and fade-out effects.


public AudioSource audioSource; // Assign your AudioSource in the Inspector

private float portionStart = 2.0f;
private float portionEnd = 5.0f;
private float fadeInDuration = 1.0f;
private float fadeOutDuration = 1.0f;
private float targetVolume = 0.8f;

void Start()
    // Example: Play a portion of the audio clip with fade-in and fade-out effects
    audioSource.PlayPortion(portionStart, portionEnd, fadeInDuration, fadeOutDuration, EaseType.EaseIn, EaseType.EaseOut, targetVolume, OnFadeInCallback, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

General Syntax

audioSource.PlayPortion(start, end, fadeInDuration, fadeOutDuration, fadeInEase, fadeOutEase, targetVolume, OnFadeInComplete, OnFadeOutStart, OnFadeOutComplete);


Parameter Data Type Description
source AudioSource The AudioSource to play the portion on.
start float The start time of the portion (in seconds).
end float The end time of the portion (in seconds). If end is 0 or less than or equal to start, it is automatically set to the clip length.
fadeInDuration float The duration of the fade-in effect (in seconds).
fadeOutDuration float The duration of the fade-out effect (in seconds).
fadeInEase EaseType The easing type for the fade-in effect.
fadeOutEase EaseType The easing type for the fade-out effect.
targetVolume float The target volume to reach at the end of the fade-in (default is 1).
OnFadeInComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-in is complete.
OnFadeOutStart Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is started.
OnFadeOutComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is complete.

Method Description

This method plays a specified portion of an audio clip using the provided AudioSource with optional fade-in and fade-out effects. If the end parameter is 0 or less than or equal to the start parameter, the end is automatically set to the clip length. The audio clip is then played starting from the specified start time to the calculated end time with fade-in and fade-out effects.


// Play a portion of the audio clip with fade-in and fade-out effects
audioSource.PlayPortion(2.0f, 5.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, EaseType.EaseIn, EaseType.EaseOut, 0.8f, OnFadeInCallback, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

In this example, the PlayPortion method is used to play a specific portion of the audio clip attached to the audioSource with fade-in and fade-out effects. Adjust the parameter values according to your specific requirements.


This extension method plays a portion of the audio clip between specified start and end times with a fade-in effect.


public AudioSource audioSource; // Assign your AudioSource in the Inspector

private float start = 1.0f;
private float end = 5.0f;
private float fadeInDuration = 2.0f;

void Start()
    // Example: Play a portion of the audio clip with a fade-in effect
    audioSource.PlayPortionFadeIn(start, end, fadeInDuration, EaseType.EaseIn, targetVolume: 0.8f, OnFadeInComplete: OnFadeInCallback);

General Syntax

audioSource.PlayPortionFadeIn(start, end, fadeInDuration, fadeInEaseType, targetVolume, OnFadeInComplete);


Parameter Data Type Description
source AudioSource The AudioSource to play the portion on.
start float The start time of the portion (in seconds).
end float The end time of the portion (in seconds).
fadeInDuration float The duration of the fade-in effect (in seconds).
fadeInEaseType EaseType The easing type for the fade-in effect.
targetVolume float The target volume to reach at the end of the fade-in (default is 1).
OnFadeInComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-in is complete.

Method Description

This method plays a portion of the audio clip between the specified start and end times on the provided AudioSource. The portion is created using the MakeSubclip method, and a fade-in effect is applied using the PlayFadeIn method with the specified fadeInDuration and fadeInEaseType. The optional OnFadeInComplete callback is invoked when the fade-in is complete.


// Play a portion of the audio clip with a fade-in effect
audioSource.PlayPortionFadeIn(1.0f, 5.0f, 2.0f, EaseType.EaseIn, targetVolume: 0.8f, OnFadeInComplete: OnFadeInCallback);

In this example, the PlayPortionFadeIn method is used to play a portion of the audio clip with a fade-in effect. Adjust the parameter values according to your specific requirements.


This extension method plays a portion of the audio clip between specified start and end times with a fade-out effect.


public AudioSource audioSource; // Assign your AudioSource in the Inspector

private float start = 1.0f;
private float end = 5.0f;
private float fadeOutDuration = 2.0f;

void Start()
    // Example: Play a portion of the audio clip with a fade-out effect
    audioSource.PlayPortionFadeOut(start, end, fadeOutDuration, EaseType.EaseOut, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

General Syntax

audioSource.PlayPortionFadeOut(start, end, fadeOutDuration, fadeOutEaseType, OnFadeOutStart, OnFadeOutComplete);


Parameter Data Type Description
source AudioSource The AudioSource to play the portion on.
start float The start time of the portion (in seconds).
end float The end time of the portion (in seconds).
fadeOutDuration float The duration of the fade-out effect (in seconds).
fadeOutEaseType EaseType The easing type for the fade-out effect.
OnFadeOutStart Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is started.
OnFadeOutComplete Action An optional callback to invoke when the fade-out is complete.

Method Description

This method plays a portion of the audio clip between the specified start and end times on the provided AudioSource. The portion is created using the MakeSubclip method, and a fade-out effect is applied using the PlayFadeOut method with the specified fadeOutDuration and fadeOutEaseType. The optional OnFadeOutStart callback is invoked when the fade-out is started, and the optional OnFadeOutComplete callback is invoked when the fade-out is complete.


// Play a portion of the audio clip with a fade-out effect
audioSource.PlayPortionFadeOut(1.0f, 5.0f, 2.0f, EaseType.EaseOut, OnFadeOutStartCallback, OnFadeOutCallback);

In this example, the PlayPortionFadeOut method is used to play a portion of the audio clip with a fade-out effect. Adjust the parameter values according to your specific requirements.


This extension method creates a subclip from the original AudioClip based on specified start and stop times.


public AudioClip originalClip; // Assign your AudioClip in the Inspector

private float start = 1.0f;
private float stop = 5.0f;

void Start()
    // Example: Create a subclip from the original AudioClip
    AudioClip subclip = originalClip.MakeSubclip(start, stop);

General Syntax

AudioClip subclip = originalClip.MakeSubclip(start, stop);


Parameter Data Type Description
clip AudioClip The original AudioClip to create a subclip from.
start float The start time of the subclip (in seconds).
stop float The stop time of the subclip (in seconds).

Return Value

  • AudioClip: A subclip of the original AudioClip.

Method Description

This method creates a subclip from the original AudioClip based on the specified start and stop times. It checks if the start time is greater than or equal to the stop time and logs an error if so. If the stop time is less than or equal to 0, it is set to the length of the original AudioClip. The method then calculates the required length and creates a new AudioClip (newClip) with the specified frequency, samples length, and data. The data is extracted from the original AudioClip and set to the new subclip.


// Create a subclip from the original AudioClip
AudioClip subclip = originalClip.MakeSubclip(1.0f, 5.0f);

In this example, the MakeSubclip method is used to create a subclip from the originalClip starting at 1 second and ending at 5 seconds. Adjust the start and stop parameters according to your specific requirements.


This extension method saves the AudioClip as a WAV file at the specified path. (EDITOR ONLY)


public AudioClip audioClip; // Assign your AudioClip in the Inspector

private string filePath = "Assets/Audio/MyAudioClip.wav";

void Start()
    // Example: Save the AudioClip as a WAV file

General Syntax



Parameter Data Type Description
clip AudioClip The AudioClip to save as a WAV file.
path string The file path where the WAV file will be saved.

Method Description

This method saves the provided AudioClip as a WAV file at the specified file path. It is intended for use in the Unity Editor (#if UNITY_EDITOR). The method first ensures that the directory specified in the path exists. If not, it creates the directory. It then converts the AudioClip to WAV format WAVUtlity.ClipToWav method, writes the WAV data to the file, and refreshes the Asset Database. A log message is displayed indicating that the AudioClip has been saved as a WAV file.


// Save the AudioClip as a WAV file

In this example, the SaveClip method is used to save the audioClip as a WAV file at the specified file path. Adjust the filePath parameter according to your specific requirements. Note that this method is intended for use in the Unity Editor.