SW_MultipleInstances - fablab-wue/piTelex GitHub Wiki

Running multiple piTelex instances on the same host (Raspberry Pi and Linux)

It is possible to run more than one piTelex process simultaneously on the same host in order to control two ore more teletypes, as long as the host provides sufficient CPU, memory and I/O ressources. Even an older Raspberry Pi is able to manage two or three TW39 teletypes (ED1000 machines need much more computing power).

  • The hardware interfaces must exist separately for each teleytpe.

  • Each teletype MUST use different hardware ports (GPIO-lines / USB-Ports / sound cards)

  • In order to receive incoming connections, each teletype MUST own separate TCP-Ports

  • It is recommended to also separate the logfiles, archives a.s.o. (if enabled) to avoid messing up the entries of the different teletypes / piTelex instances.

  • A single software installation is sufficient. Just call telex.py with different configuration files for each teletype. For example:

    ./telex.py -c t100.json
    ./telex.py -c fs220.json
    ./telex.py -c t68d.json

See here for ideas on how to manage these instances as simultaneous background processes which automagically start at boot time.